These Eco-Friendly Rechargeable Batteries Will Quickly Pay for Themselves

Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion
Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion

Thanks to improvements in tech and the advent of USB charging, you probably don't use traditional batteries as much as you once did. But then there are those times when you really need one, like when your smoke alarm starts beeping. And if you're anything like me, you almost never have one on standby.

To save you from the frustration of rummaging through your cabinet after your TV remote dies, keep a variety of rechargeable batteries on hand to ensure that you never run out of juice ever again. Pale Blue's rechargeable batteries, which have favorable reviews from Amazon shoppers, come with a multi-pronged micro-USB cable for charging and are built differently than your average Ni-MH rechargeables. And because of it, they can replace up to 1,000 regular batteries—saving you so much in the long run.

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Pale Blue's batteries have advanced lithium rechargeable technology, meaning that they charge five times faster than conventional Ni-MH batteries. The AA Pale Blue Batteries take just two hours to charge, while the AAA and D batteries take just under two hours and four hours, respectively. They have a built-in LED charging indicator, so you'll always know when they're ready to go or need to be plugged back into a charging outlet.

Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion AA
Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion AA

To buy: $30 for four;

Amazon shoppers confirm that they last for hours. One customer said the batteries exceeded all of their expectations: "Using them in an acoustic electric guitar pre amplifier, I have gotten up to five hours," they wrote in a review.

Another person said the batteries are so easy to charge and added, "These batteries seem to power things brighter than our old batteries, too."

And Not only will you have constant charge when you need them, but you're also helping reduce waste. Although you can recycle non-rechargeable lithium batteries, less than 5 percent of Americans do so; Pale Blue estimates that we throw away 10 million batteries a day.

To avoid the hassle of scrambling for batteries when you need them most, pick up Pale Blue rechargeable batteries at Amazon.

Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion AAA
Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion AAA

To buy: $30 for four;

Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion D
Amazon Pale Blue Rechargeable Batteries Lithium Ion D

To buy: $30 for two;