What to Eat When You Have a Cold

Everyone’s heard the old adage “feed a cold, starve a fever,” but is it really true? Not so, says Dr. Oz. Regardless of your ailment, your body needs nutrients — and lots of water — when you’re sick. “I vote for chicken soup because it helps calm irritated nasal passages and airways,” he writes in his new book, “Food Can Fix It.” Below, he shares three more nutritious snacks that will have you feeling better in no time—and watch the video above for more cold-fighting tips!

Frozen Grapes

This easy snack has multiple benefits: they can help soothe a sore throat and provide a much-needed boost of vitamin C, a key nutrient for immunity.

Green Tea and Honey
A classic combo, with good reason! Green tea has powerful antioxidants that can ward off illness before it begins, plus the addition of honey (a natural antibacterial) helps calm the throat and keep coughs at bay. Try matcha tea, a powder made from ground green tea leaves, which packs an even bigger nutrient punch!

Vegetable Juice
A vegetable-based juice can be a great way to get nutrients when you don’t feel like eating. Make sure the juice you choose is made from dark-colored vegetables (think kale and beets, instead of cucumbers and celery) for max nutritional benefit.

Daphne Oz on the Best Breakfast for Morning Sickness
8 Tips to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
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