Here’s What You Should Eat (and What You Should Avoid) When You Have a Sore Throat

Here’s What You Should Eat (and What You Should Avoid) When You Have a Sore Throat

Having a sore throat can be bothersome at best. At worst, it can really ruin your day, as well as your appetite. Turns out, there are some preferable foods for sore throat that may bring you some much-needed relief. And while cough drops and various OTC sore throat remedies might do the trick from time to time, food is almost always the best medicine.

So, there are some foods and beverages you should keep in mind when it comes to your achy throat. But perhaps even more importantly, there are some things that might sound appetizing, but may make your sore throat even more bothersome than before. Rest assured—we’re here to tell you what’s what.

We’ve consulted nutritionists and primary care physicians alike to find out exactly what you should eat when your throat is hurting and what you should exclude from your meals until you’re feeling better. Plus, when food isn’t enough, we’ll let you know when you should see a doctor about your sore throat, too.

What foods and drinks should you have when your throat is sore?

When your throat is sore, it’s best to eat soft foods that are easy to swallow and soothe the irritation, says Rachel Begun, M.S., R.D.N., registered dietitian as well as leadership development coach and culture consultant.

Warm liquids can help soothe a sore throat, and foods with a softer texture often feel better on an irritated throat, adds V. Peter DeMarco, M.D., primary care physician at Columbia University. “Cool liquids, iced food and drinks can also help to calm a sore throat.”

Both Dr. DeMarco and Begun agree that tea with honey is a great option for soothing discomfort.

Here’s a list of some good foods for sore throats, according to both Dr. DeMarco and Begun:

  • Warm cereals like oatmeal, grits or cream of rice

  • Cooked, mashed or pureed vegetables

  • Yogurt

  • Jello

  • Hummus

  • Scrambled eggs

  • Soup

  • Smoothies

  • Ice cream

  • Puddings

  • Popsicles

  • Tea (with or without honey)

What foods and drinks should you avoid when your throat is sore?

Avoid foods and liquids that may irritate your throat if you already have a sore throat, says Dr. DeMarco. “Spicy foods, and foods with a harder texture can be bothersome to swallow.” He adds that “alcohol and other acidic food and drink can also further irritate a sore throat.

Here’s a list of some foods to avoid for sore throats, according to both Dr. DeMarco and Begun:

  • Spices and seasonings

  • Crunchy snack foods like potato chips, tortilla chips and crackers

  • Raw vegetables

  • Acidic fruits

  • Acidic beverages such as coffee and sodas

  • Chocolate

  • Red sauces

  • Greasy foods

How else can you treat a sore throat?

Although food can cure many things, we know that what you eat may not always be the remedy you’re looking for when you need relief fast.

Gargling with warm water and salt a few times a day, sucking on lozenges and throat sprays are all ways to ease the pain and irritation of your sore throat, says Begun. “Just be sure that any lozenges or sprays are clear of any ingredients that may interfere with medicines you are taking or allergens you react to.”

Dr. DeMarco adds that “acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with discomfort while recovering from a sore throat.” Menthol or benzocaine lozenges, cough drops, and throat sprays can help with symptomatic relief, too, he adds. Lastly, “using a humidifier, especially while sleeping may also be helpful,” he says.

It’s also important to keep in mind that smoke can irritate an already sore throat, avoid smoking and smokers as best as you can, says Dr. DeMarco. “Staying home and resting as best as is practical should help speed recovery from a sore throat. Be sure to hydrate and rest your voice from activities like prolonged talking and shouting.”

When should you see a doctor about your sore throat?

When the sore throat symptoms aren’t going away, the symptoms can’t be explained, or you have a fever for an extended period of time, it’s time to see a doctor, says Begun.

Anytime you have difficulty swallowing or your sore throat is causing you shortness of breath, you should see a doctor immediately, says Dr. DeMarco. “Additionally seek care if you notice neck swelling, swollen glands in your neck, or white patches in the back of your throat.” When a sore throat is associated with fevers, chills, or lightheadedness, Dr. DeMarco adds that these symptoms should also be a sign to be evaluated by a medical professional.

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