This Easy Hack Will Make Your Shower Look Like a Piece of Art

Photo credit: Perry Mastrovito - Getty Images
Photo credit: Perry Mastrovito - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of unnecessary time dilly dallying in the shower. There are just so many things to do in there between hosting concerts, pretending to be a mermaid, and making important life decisions while shampooing and conditioning. The one problem? There's not even a whole lot to look at while you're in there.

Sure, some showers can be easily spruced up with a funky shower curtain. But not all showers are designed with rods to hold curtains and instead have slideble/or pull glass doors. What are those folks supposed to do? Luckily, a creative-thinking Tik Tok user had the perfect idea on how to beautify her little glass water chamber: by covering it in window film. Watch below!

Did you see how simply she completely transformed her shower doors into a stained-glass master piece? Bravo. And look how easy that was.

For the folks who want to try it at home, we zoomed into the video to see that she used the brand Artscape for her film—you can view their window film selection here. If none of those selections interest you, you can create your own film with our DIY guide.

And if you have a shower with a completely transparent door, and are looking for some more privacy, here are some clear window films with strong graphic patterns that will leave you in peace. Now, if others use the washroom when you're scrub-a-dub-dubbing, you won't have to worry about them seeing you completely in the nude (unless you're cool with that, then by all means, let your freak flag fly). Plus, these films will seamlessly adhere to the glass, making it pretty difficult for one to tell that there is actually a giant wallpaper-like sticker on your shower door.

But before you lay any film down, remember to spray Windex on the glass to remove all smudges and fingerprints. Then trim the window film to match the dimensions of the shower. After applying the film, spraying the outside of it with soap and liquid, and use a squeegee to press out air bubbles, ensuring the film is neat and smooth.

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