Easy Diabetic Recipes

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In light of Paula Deen's recent announcement that she has Type 2 diabetes, we couldn't pass on the opportunity to promote the hard-to-resist diabetic recipes on our site. The position of the country's leading diabetic experts is that there is no one "diabetic diet" and that that dietary management of diabetes can vary depending on the person and the type of diabetes that they have.

Whatever approach you and your health care team take to control blood sugar, we think you'll find plenty of recipes that fit into your eating plan. If you're looking for recipes with certain nutrient parameters (carbs, fiber, protein, fat, etc.) you can search for recipes to fit your needs with our Nutrition Search tool.

You can count on these recipes because they are all reviewed by food editors who are also registered dietitians. In addition to being registered dietitians, they're also passionate about food--so great flavor is guaranteed. As a dietitian and a person with Type 1 diabetes, I urge you to re-discover the joy of good food. Believe me, I understand that there is much about having diabetes that is not joyful, but eating does not have to be one of those things. You can eat well and stay healthy, and we can show you how.

I think Paula Deen would agree with cookbook author Bert Green who said, "Food, like love, must never be a joyless experience." But I would contend that the joy in food is not always found in excess sugar and fat but rather in fresh and wholesome ingredients and simple cooking methods.

Recipe: Cookies 'n' Cream Crunch

If you've got some favorite diabetic recipes you'd like to share with the MyRecipes community, please share them on the site.