East Coast Ski Resort Honors Staff During National Employee Appreciation Day

Killington Resort, Vermont, is honoring its hardworking staff during National Employee Appreciation Day.

In a video shared today, the resort introduced several employees, from servers to snowmakers.

Folks, these are the people that make resort skiing possible. Never forget to show them a little love with a fist bump or a simple "thank you" when you encounter them on the hill. It goes a long way.

According to the Business Standard, National Employee Appreciation Day harkens back to 1995, likely founded in response to a different, work-focused holiday—National Boss Day—which, from a quick Google search, seems pretty informal (I'd never heard of it until now).

Speaking of employees and bosses, Killington's team is hard at work blowing snow and keeping the season rolling.

"Our snowmaking team is taking advantage of cold temps to resurface terrain after late February's weather rollercoaster ride," its snow reporter wrote this morning. "We will continue to make snow on Caper, Lower Bunny Buster, Lower Chute, and sections of Lower Great Northern down to the Ramshead base area."

One hundred and eight of the resort's 115 trails are open, with about half of its skiable acreage available, totaling 61 miles of skiing.

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