East Coast Freestyle Summer Skiing Session Delivered Impressive Highlights

From June 27th to July 2nd this summer, Quebec ski resort Sommet Saint-Sauveur hosted Akamp for the first time in four years.

Akamp is a summer skiing freestyle session that, thanks to a just-large-enough mound of snow, provided an array of rails, jibs, and small jumps to skiers willing to travel to Sommet Saint-Sauveur.

While it might not sound like much, all skilled freestylers need to seriously throw down is a little metal and airtime; here's proof in the form of an edit that documented Akamp 2023 created by skier Frédéric "Fredy" Ferland.

Great stuff. I always appreciate it when skiers come together and make skiing happen this late in the summer. Considering the lack of available snow, putting together the park for Akamp probably took loads of work.

Fredy, the skier who shot this edit, isn't just handy behind the camera. He rips on skis, too, uploading several quietly gnarly rail skiing parts over the years.

His most recent project, "Couple's Retreat," was produced alongside his partner, Isabelle Lacour, another French Canadian shredder.

Not only is "Couple's Retreat" a satisfyingly succinct dose of street skiing, but it's also, to my knowledge, the only ski movie exclusively created by a couple. Plus, the ender (the last shot in the film), which features an imposing quad kink rail, is an absolute hammer.

Check it out below for some mid-summer street skiing inspiration.

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