Easily Upgrade Your Ice Cream Sandwiches With Warm Arepas

ice cream served in arepas
ice cream served in arepas - Static Media/Shutterstock

Comforting arepas are simple to put together, so why not use the savory bread to elevate your ice cream sandwiches? Made with corn flour, these hand-held patties of deliciousness offer the perfect vehicle for a range of toppings and condiments. From meats and rich sauces to sweeter fruits and creamy spreads, homemade arepas are the ideal canvas for culinary creativity to run wild.

Think outside the box by sandwiching your next scoops of dessert in between the spongy pieces of bread. Fresh out of the oven, the golden discs can envelop your favorite combinations of ice cream and brownies or sorbet and fruit to make a dessert that is both unexpected and unforgettable. Wrap arepas around chocolate ice cream and top with sprinkles of sea salt or serve arepas stacked with layers of vanilla ice cream and poached fruit. While the size of arepas offers ideal measurements for easy-to-assemble treats, you can also cut one arepa in half to use to house your favorite cold treats.

Read more: 25 Best Ice Cream Brands Ranked

A Surprising Sweet For Every Palate

arepas on plate
arepas on plate - nehophoto/Shutterstock

Perfectly made arepas offer a subtle sweetness and a chewy, doughy middle that can be easily paired with a variety of textures and tastes. Experiment with creating ice-cream-filled dessert arepas with crunchy flakes of sea salt, broken pieces of nuts, and chocolate sprinkles to provide a contrast with the soft baked treats. You may want to make more arepas than what you intend to eat, as this sweet treat will go fast.

After trying this simple recipe, you may find yourself drizzling caramel and chocolate sauce on top of ice-cream-filled arepas regularly. Dust plates with cinnamon and cocoa powder before serving.

If you have more arepas on your hands than you can handle, make ice cream sandwiches and freeze them to have at the ready the next time sweet cravings strike. With layered spreads of peanut butter and Nutella, these decadent treats could easily steal the limelight from traditionally made ice cream sandwiches, and it might be a while before you return to more expected ice cream sandwich recipes.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.