The Easiest And Most Impressive Way To Serve French Toast

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

From Delish


When hosting a big breakfast or brunch, a casserole is the way to go. And when you're craving something sweet, this Baked French Toast is it.

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

The inspiration came from our motion graphic designer's Instagram. His wife, Neha, made the most beautiful bread pudding we have ever seen. (Please see below). Instead of being cubed, the bread is standing up tall, as slices, in the pan. Just by looking at the picture, you can tell how crunchy and spectacular that top is.

When we first saw the post, we thought it was French toast. And once we had the idea of breakfast in our heads, we couldn't shake it. So instead of bread pudding, that's what you get. The ingredients are very much the same as your normal skillet French toast: day-old bread, eggs, cream, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The process of whisking the eggs and dunking the bread is the same too. It all comes down to the assembly.

Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin
Photo credit: Chelsea Lupkin

Our white bread slices weren't as cute and small as Neha's brioche. But we stood them tall anyways, alternating between sides, and are still quite pleased with the zigzag effect. Guarantee you everyone at your brunch will sneak a pic of it. Let 'em post it (as long as you get all the cred).


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