Eager Father Makes Social Media Splash After Copying Cheerleader Daughter at Football Game

When you're on the field at a high school football game, feeling support from your parents in the crowd is essential, even if you're not in the actual game. One Texas cheerleader got quite the treat (or the embarrassment, depending on how a teenager would look at it) when her dad began copying her cheer moves from the stands.

André Simmons of Temple, TX was mirroring his daughter Jazlyn and her fellow cheerleaders at a game recently while his wife Cecelia captured the moment.  "Everyone always asks André Simmons about the boys continuing his football legacy. Little do they know he’s waited his whole life to be a cheer dad," she captioned the post.

Simmons spoke to Good Morning America after his dance began circulating on TikTok. He admitted he spent a few days learning the routine so he could emulate Jazlyn's moves while she was down on the sidelines. It was all, he said, so he could build memories to last a lifetime.

Because of his work as an infantryman, he isn't home a lot of the time and spends a lot of time away from his kids. So when he had the chance to spend these precious moments with her, he knew he had to make it count. Learning the cheer routine was his "way of supporting her and kind of trying to make up that time lost is doing things that she loves and surprising her with joining her in the cheer during the football game."

"Once I got it down pat, I just jumped up there when I heard the band finally bring the song up and I got up there and did it with her," he added. Her fellow cheerleaders were surprised and "absolutely loved" that he joined in. It meant "the world" to him to be able to do it.

“I love to try to be a super dad when I’m here and create those lifelong memories and it’s something for us to look back on and enjoy together,” he said proudly.

It won't be the last time he'll be doing his daughter's cheer routine from the bleachers, as he plans to do it again in the near future. Talk about a super dad.