Dylan Bills Proves That Turning Isn't Necessary

Yesterday, ON3P Skis shared a clip of skier Dylan Bills going fast last season at Alta, Utah. Really fast.

See it below.

Filmed by @bed3ll.

Skiing these days is all about fancy flips and twists, which is great, for the most part.

But sometimes, I just want to go fast. Or watch someone else go fast.

See, it's a liberating feeling pointing em' downhill. The process is uncomplicated. You aren't worried about your form or how you're going to set your trick.

Instead, you cross your fingers, pick a destination, and hope that a snow snake doesn't decide to ruin your day.

And, provided you stay out of the slow zones, you don't need to worry about going over the speed limit because skiing has no speed limits.

Although going too fast does have consequences sometimes, a fact that I'm sure most skiers can relate to. Know your limits, folks!

Dylan Bills, the skier featured in this video, is quickly becoming one of my favorites to watch. He spent last season shredding around Utah and stacked loads of more-than-entertaining ski clips.

To browse his Instagram and hopefully stave off the summer heat in your respective location, click here.

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