"It's Dumping"- Heavy Snow Falling At Canadian Ski Resort

This morning, October 24th, writer and skier Matt Mosteller sounded the alarm bells on X, sharing that Kicking Horse, British Columbia, had received a foot of snow overnight.

The coating Kicking Horse received is a top-to-bottom situation. Currently, from the base upwards, the resort looks pristine and white.

Here's a peek at the webcams:

Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.<p>Kicking Horse Mountain Resort</p>
Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort

Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.<p>Kicking Horse Mountain Resort</p>
Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort

Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.<p>Kicking Horse Mountain Resort</p>
Kicking Horse webcam October 24th, 2023.

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort

How's that for an early-season storm?

While the snow stake Mosteller shared images of showed that Kicking Horse had seen 30 cm of snow, or one foot, the resort is currently calling its overnight total 22 cm (that's almost 9 inches of snow).

Regardless of the specifics, though, it's clear that winter is finally showing its teeth up north.

The forecast at Kicking Horse is mostly snowless for the coming week, but temperatures should remain below freezing, so last night's storm might've produced the resort's first proper base depth contribution.

Kicking Horse plans to open on December 8th this year.

In related news, the resort will host the Freeride World Tour again this winter, drawing a cadre of elite skiers. The planned venue for this competition is Kicking Horse's impressive Ozone face. Fingers crossed, someone pulls a maneuver comparable to Max Hitzig's now legendary backflip on Ozone. It was a real spectacle:

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