My Dumb Little Brain Is Totally And Completely Blown After Seeing These 50 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Month

1.Before he died, Abraham Lincoln had a "life mask" made of his face. This is what it looked like:

Abe, my boy, I know I'm not supposed to say this but you look a bit tired.

Abe, my boy, I know I'm not supposed to say this but you look a bit tired.

Print Collector / The Print Collector/Heritage Images

2.This is what a fingerprint from a person born without fingerprints looks like:

Would love to commit a crime with this fellah.

Would love to commit a crime with this fellah.

u/jedwandermouse / Via

3.Recognize these big ol' rocks? This is Mount Rushmore before the presidential heads were carved into it:

Close-up of Mount Rushmore sans faces

Wow. presidential rocks.

FPG / Getty Images

4.This is what the "American Selection" in an Irish grocery store looks like:

Jerkey, Pop-Tarts, Reeses, and an intriguing amount of Mike & Ike representation.

5.This is what it looks like when a whole bunch of horses fly on a plane:

Wow. Now it's safe to say I HAVE seen everything.

Wow. Now it's safe to say I HAVE seen everything.

u/nintendoge21 / Via

6.Alaska is big. REALLY big:

On another note, imagine if there were 12 Iowas. Something to think about.

7.And Australia... Australia is also very, very big:

You can fit a whole lot of snakes in that there country.

8.This is what a polar bear's paw print looks like compared with a human handprint:

A polar bear paw print next to a much, much smaller handprint in the snow

9.This is how an offshore oil platform is transported to the location where it will be installed:

Add this to the list of things I had never thought about in my life.

Add this to the list of things I had never thought about in my life.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

10.Before it found its home in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty's head was on display at the 1878 Paris World's Fair:

Look at that big ol' honkin' head.

Look at that big ol' honkin' head.

Fpg / Getty Images

11.And here's what Lady Lib looked like while it was being packed up to be shipped to the US:

How much do you think shipping cost on that?

How much do you think shipping cost on that?

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

12.This is what a living sand dollar looks like compared with a dead one:

A large, brown, flat circular sea urchin and a smaller, white one with small slits

RIP to a real one.

u/MisterBuzz / Via

13.This is what a peeled lemon looks like:

Now I have officially seen everything.

Now I have officially seen everything.

u/pecyon / Via

14.The doors on the presidential limousine are ridiculously thick:

A Secret Service agent opening a car door for President Joe Biden

This particular limo is known as "the Beast," for obvious reasons.

Mandel Ngan / Contributor

15.Way out on the edge of the galaxy is this big ol' hunk of rock called Ultima Thule or 486958 Arrokoth, the farthest thing from Earth humanity has ever "explored up close":

Reminds me of two peanuts I ate earlier today. Those were some good peanuts.

Reminds me of two peanuts I ate earlier today. Those were some good peanuts.

Handout / Getty Images

16.This is what the Roman empire at its greatest extent looks like compared to North America:

I've always called Italy the Kansas of Europe.

I've always called Italy the Kansas of Europe.

Twitter: @ArreteTonChar1

17.Baby LEGOs exist. BABY LEGOS EXIST!

Look at my son.

Look at my son.

u/socketlint / Via

18.Traffic lights are absolutely huge:

How many times do I need to remind you of the immensity of the traffic light?

19.This right here is Vincent van Gogh's painting palette:

Neat! That van Gogh guy had some talent!

Neat! That van Gogh guy had some talent!

Photo Josse / Corbis via Getty Images

20.This is what a map of the United States looked like in 1783:

Hey, Massachusetts: RELAX.

Hey, Massachusetts: RELAX.

Interim Archives / Getty Images

21.This is what the skull of the largest ape to ever roam the Earth, the gigantopithecus, looks like compared to our tiny little human head:

The ape was, well, giant. Like

22.This is what a $1,000 bill looks like:

It was first put into circulation in 1928. That's Grover Cleveland's big ol' mug on the front.

23.Cough medicine used to have a very special ingredient in 1919:

Well, that's one way to sleep.

Well, that's one way to sleep.

u/theoneandonlytrev / Via

24.This is what the inside of a Coca-Cola Freestyle machine looks like:

A machine with lots of slots showing brands of various beverages

25.There are pants that shine INCREDIBLY bright when hit with light:

They've been called

They've been called "anti-paparazzi pants."

u/pendedios / Via

26.American Froot Loops and Froot Loops from other countries are totally different colors:

This is due to regulations in Canada concerning food additives and coloring.

27.The inside of a pine cone makes me somewhat uncomfortable:

What look like hollow bones or even eyes inside the pine cone

I'm all set!

u/MrBonelessPizza24 / Via

28.While we're at it, this is what the inside of a wasp's nest looks like:

Inside of a wasp nest showing what looks like rows of honeycomb

The stuff of nightmares.

u/bezododo / Via

29.There's a street named "Bucket Of Blood Street" in Arizona:

The street was the location of a deadly gunfight in the late 1800s. I can only imagine Mr. Stagger Lee was involved.

30.This is what the Eiffel Tower looked like while it was being built:

Not sure what I was expecting, but still neat.

Not sure what I was expecting, but still neat.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

31.This is a proposed warning to be placed at nuclear dumping ground to warn future generations of the danger of its contents:

Me, personally? I'd turn my little rear-end around after reading that.

32.This man, Paul Karason, had his skin turn permanently blue after spending years ingesting colloidal silver:

Closeup of Paul Karason

33.This is the Speyer wine bottle, the oldest known bottle of wine on Earth:

A wine bottle containing a murky, motley liquid

34.This is the personal water closet of the last German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II:

What a beautiful toilet. Absolutely stunning.

What a beautiful toilet. Absolutely stunning.

u/lepke2011 / Via

35.Stink bug eggs are little tiny smiley faces:

Ain't that sweet?

Ain't that sweet?

u/nomad_raptor_ / Via

36.This is the aftermath of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, a deadly event that claimed the lives of 21 people in Boston after a container holding over two million gallons of molasses burst, sending a wave of molasses several feet high through the city streets:

It sounds like it's funny, but I assure you: it is not.

It sounds like it's funny, but I assure you: it is not.

Boston Globe / Boston Globe via Getty Images

37.Coconuts, my friend...coconuts can be very, very tiny:

Folks, do we stan the tiny lil' coconut?

Folks, do we stan the tiny lil' coconut?

u/leoanimate / Via

38.Bottles of soda look adorable before they get blown up with compressed air:

Small tubes in the palm of a hand

Ain't that sweet.

u/Altruistic_Jicama604 / Via

39.Marisa Tomei's name can do amazing things:

"Marisa Tomei" as an anagram for "It's-a me, Mario"


u/redditordeaditor6789 / Via

40.South Korea and Ireland are almost the same size, although South Korea has 10 times Ireland's population:

Side-by-side of South Korea and Ireland (with Northern Ireland)

Just thought it was interesting!

u/aaronhereee / Via

41.This is how big a wisdom tooth is compared with a baby tooth:

A wisdom tooth with long roots and a tiny tooth in the palm of a hand

Teeth: They can get big.

u/fleischwors / Via

42.This is what the leg of the largest dinosaur to ever exist, the argentinosaurus, looks like compared with a human:

A woman standing next to the bones of a dinosaur leg in a museum and only reaching the top of the foot

43.A medium-sized shirt in North America is an extra large in Japan:

Label of a medium Champion shirt showing it's M/M in Canada, M in Mexico, and XL in Japan

Buyer beware.

u/arbortologist / Via

44.This is the pistol Gavrilo Princip used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand and set off World War I:

A gun behind glass on a pedestal

And this is the car Franz Ferdinand was driving in:

An old convertible-type car

Bad vibes, man.

u/supaguy10 / Via

45.This is what an early design for an electric hair dryer looked like:

A seated woman underneath a metallic head covering that looks like armor, with metallic cables emerging from it and extending toward the ceiling or behind her

Totally practical and not at all ridiculous looking.

Brandstaetter Images / Getty Images

46.This is what an Italian public school lunch looks like:

A plate with a large piece of meat and potatoes, with Brussels sprouts, pasta, and a roll on the side

47.This is what Robert Wadlow, the tallest man who ever lived, looked like when he was 10 years old:

He's actually taller than his father; both of them are dressed in suits and ties

This is him standing tall at 6 feet 6 inches next to his father.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

And here's Wadlow at his tallest, coming in at 8 feet 11 inches:

He's wearing a suit and standing in front of a car next to two smiling women, one of whom comes to his hip and another to his waist

Bobby, in case you haven't realized, was very tall.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

48.This is a list of every cause of death that occurred during a week in London in 1665:

The "deaths and casualties" include "feaver," "griping in the guts," "jaundies," "vomiting," "wormes," "suddenly," "strangury," "scurvy," sore legge," "sciatica," rupture," "rickets," "quinine," "lethargy," "plague," "aged," and "stopping of the stomach"

"Griping in the guts"...been there, brother.

u/chata187 / Via

49.This is what a coca plant looks like:

Green shrubbery with the label "Cocaine plant / Erythroxylum coca / Erythroxylaceae / Ecuador, South America"

You know, a "cocaine plant." Moving on.

u/sirspitfire / Via

50.And finally, apparently back in the day, peanut sellers would, well, wear suits with a ton of peanuts sewn into them:

Two people sitting in a horse-drawn carriage wearing suits and caps completely covered with peanuts

We need to bring this back. I need to bring this back.

Fox Photos / Getty Images