My Dumb Little Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 22 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Week

1.This is what North Sentinel Island, home to one of the world's last uncontacted peoples, looks like from above:

Aerial view of North Sentinel Island

2.This is the last meal Richard Nixon ate in the White House before he resigned. Pineapple, cottage cheese, and a glass of milk:

Pineapple, cottage cheese, and milk

Honestly, he should've resigned just for eating this wild meal.

Everett Collection

3.The original plan for Mount Rushmore included the bodies of the four presidents:

Model of Mount Rushmore

4.This exhibit shows what happens to marble over time if people are allowed to stick their grubby little paws all over it:

"Please don't touch the vase"

5.This is what the "American section" to a Polish grocery store looks like:

"This is America" sauce...Reese's...I'll allow it.

u/no-strawberry7 / Via

6.This is the first picture ever taken of an image broadcast on television:

a pixelated image

7.This picture, from the 1980 Moscow Olympics, shows a number of performers making a human torch:

A large human torch

Ain't that just the neatest.

Ncaa Photos / NCAA Photos via Getty Images

8.This picture, from 1930, shows a plane flying over the old city of Baghdad, Iraq:

Aerial view of a city

Again, I just think it's neat.

Getty Images

9.This is Lonnie Johnson, inventor of the Super Soaker, enjoying his invention:

Lonnie Johnson spraying a Super Soaker

Bless this man.

Thomas S England / Getty Images

10.This map, from 1507, is the first map to ever label America as "America":

An old map

11.Speaking of maps of the Americas, here's a German one from 1550 that shows South America as the "New World":

An old map

Where we dropping, gang?

Buyenlarge / Getty Images

12.This is the check for $7,200,000 that the USA sent to Russia to purchase Alaska in 1867:

An old check

Would love to personally receive seven million from the US government one day.

Three Lions / Getty Images

13.Stoplights but for u-turns exist:

A red u-turn stoplight

I'm in awe.

u/the-legged-man / Via

14.This is what the REST of a fire hydrant looks like:

a turned-over fire hydrant

Long fellah.

u/zenerat / Via

15.This the Brewster armor suit, one of the first fully functional suits of body armor designed for World War I combat:

"Brewster body armor"

16.Before the pin-setting machine was invented, bowling alleys would have teens and children set up bowling pins after each frame:

Children setting up bowling pins


Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

17.You can move an entire house with a truck:

a house on a truck

Talk about a mobile home...sheesh!

u/billyshears / Via

18.This is what the first Corvettes ever produced looked like:

Old Corvettes in a factory

19.One panel of glass survived the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. This is it:

A panel of glass from 9/11

20.The Capitol lawn was mowed by a steam-powered lawnmower way back in 1903:

A man mowing the Capitol lawn

Yet another thing I just find neat.

Library Of Congress / Corbis/VCG via Getty Images

21.This is a plane window that lets you adjust and tint the window to your liking:

An adjustable plane window

22.And, finally, Vietnamese toilet paper rolls do not have cardboard tubes in the middle:

A toilet paper roll


u/emrerlin / Via