Dude Lifts like a Lady: Why I Love "Girly" Workouts


Women doing men's workouts has been all the rage lately, but what about men doing "girly" workouts? Can a man get just as good of a workout in the aerobics studio as he can on the weight floor? And, more importantly, would he want to? To answer all our XY questions, we interviewed a man-card carrying dude who just happens to love traditionally female workouts.

Ted C. Williams, a married father of one, has been attending Turbokick, Hip Hop Hustle, BodyPump, and Tabata training classes at his local YMCA for several years now, and while he's generally one of just a handful of men in the room (he's often the only man in hip hop class), that doesn't keep him from getting a serious (and seriously fun) workout. When asked if the estrogen overload ever bothers him, he quips, "I do fear an outbreak of cooties!" And what of the fear of getting his butt kicked by a girl? "I really don't see the others in the class by gender but more by their effort and athleticism."

Being a guy in a roomful of women definitely has its advantages--but they're not the ones you'd think, Williams says. For one thing, "I get kudos just for attending even before the class begins." But he doesn't ask for special treatment. "Since I've had past dance experience, I want to be as graceful and execute the moves as well if not better than anyone else in the class, regardless of gender. As a 6'1" guy with a larger frame, being graceful doesn't come as naturally, but that challenge makes any success I have that much more satisfying."

There is one thing that concerns Williams when it comes to working out with the girls, saying that he worries "if the women in the class are bothered by me being there." He clarifies,"I know that [for many women], these classes are their time to let loose, relax, and escape the awkward pickup line or uncomfortable glances they may be subjected to elsewhere in the gym. When I'm there I fear that I've taken away that level of comfort from the women in the class. I try to go out of my way to not be the stereotypical man in the gym and blend in."

What does he have to say to guys who look down on girly workouts? "Get over it." He adds, "When it comes to men doing activities that may be considered feminine, there is the fear that somehow your masculinity will be called into question. That's why men are so quick to puff out their chests and hurl insults at other men who may do these activities: they fear that if they don't ridicule it, they will somehow be less masculine."

But is it a good workout? Williams points out that like most workouts, "the harder you push yourself, the more you'll get out of it!"

What do you think of men doing "girly" workouts? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!