Duck Waits for Her BFF Before Excitingly Heading to the Pond for a Dip

If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, this video that @Bre Boyette shared on Thursday, August 3rd is it! Bre lives on a farm and shares all the cute things her animals do. This one will definitely leave you smiling!

Milkshake is one of Bre's ducks, and Milkshake's BFF just happens to be a fluffy cow named Dumplin'. The pair does everything together, so when Milkshake was ready to head to the pond to cool off, she couldn't go without his favorite buddy!

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Is that not the cutest? Milkshake could not wait to get to the pond, but Dumplin' was just taking his sweet time. I could watch them splash around and play all day. Their friendship just warms my heart! Then Dumplin's brother Waffles decides he wants to take a dip too. It seems that mini cows have no sense of urgency, and he walks a slow as his brother did, then decides to get a snack instead of getting in the pond.

People adored the video. I laughed at @shauntae who sang, "My Milkshake brings all the cows to the pond". Another commenter swooned, "How does your duck have an emotional support cow?!" @Concrete Blonde wonders, "In what part of the world is this dream happening?" to which Bre replied, "Good ole Louisiana"!

My favorite comment came from @Loves bears who said, "Definitely need this as a children’s book". I was so excited to read Bre's reply, "It’s in the making!" I can't wait to see that book! Her animals are so fun to watch!

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