How Is Dry Eye Syndrome Treated?

Medically reviewed by Christine L. Larsen, MD

  • Your treatment options may depend on the cause of your dry eye and the severity of your symptoms.

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription treatments, such as eye drops and gels, can reduce irritation.

  • Reducing dryness in your environment, eating more healthy fats, and practicing eye-healthy habits may improve symptoms and support overall eye health.

Dry eye is generally easy to treat. You can fix dry eye with artificial tears (eye drops), lifestyle changes, and surgery, if necessary. These treatments focus on reducing dryness and preserving your vision. An eye care specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist, can help you create the right treatment plan for you. Treatment options depend on what's causing your symptoms and the severity of your condition.

Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is a common condition that happens when your eyes aren't producing enough quality tears to keep them properly lubricated. Most people with dry eye experience painful symptoms, such as redness, blurry vision, or eye irritation.

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Artificial Tears and Gels

Eye drops and ointments are often the first line of treatment for dry eye and are usually effective for mild cases. An eye care specialist may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription options.

Over-the-Counter (OTC)

The most common kind of eye drops used to treat dry eye are called "artificial tears," which mimic your tears. You can use artificial tears throughout the day or as much as you need them. Most artificial tears are available over the counter, so they do not require a prescription.

If an eye care specialist recommends artificial tears, you can choose between multiple brands to find the one that's best for you. Artificial tears come in various types and are made of different compounds and ingredients.

You may opt to use preservative-free eye drops (eye drops without added ingredients or materials) if you:

Artificial tears are generally safe, but some side effects, like blurry vision or an allergic reaction, are possible. Stop using the eye drops and contact an eye care specialist right away if you experience side effects.

You can also use artificial tears safely if you wear contact lenses, as long as the drops you purchase are approved for use with contact lenses. Check with an eye care specialist or pharmacist if you're not sure if you can use a certain brand or type of artificial tears with your contact lenses.

People who wake up with dry eyes may consider using lubricating ointments or gels. Ointments or gels are designed to add moisture to your eyes. These treatments are also available over the counter. Keep in mind that they can cause blurry vision, which is why most people use them before bed.


If you have started using artificial tears, ointments, or gels and do not see any improvement in your eye problems, a healthcare provider may prescribe medication or recommend other treatments. They may also prescribe medical-grade eye drops to reduce swelling, produce quality tears, and prevent irritation.

The types of prescription eye drops for dry eye include:

Generic Medication Name 

Brand Medication Name 



Cequa and Restasis

Reduce inflammation and increase tear production



Improve eye swelling and reduce inflammation and irritation

It's a good idea to tell an eye care specialist if you take prescription medications for other health conditions. They can help you find an alternative eye drops prescription that works with your current medications.

Surgeries and Procedures

An eye care specialist may recommend surgery or procedure if you are still experiencing dry eye symptoms after using OTC or prescription artificial tears. Surgical procedures are generally not common.

An eye care specialist may suggest:

  • Lower eyelid surgery: Dry eye can sometimes happen if your lower eyelids are too loose. An eye care specialist may repair your eyelids to reduce the amount of tears that drain too quickly, although this is rare.

  • Tear duct plugs: An eye care specialist will insert plugs in your tear ducts (the small holes in your eye corners). This procedure can reduce the amount of tears that drain out of your eyes, which may help keep the tears in your eyes for long periods. This is not a permanent procedure. A healthcare provider can remove the tear plugs if and when needed.


Dry eye treatment often includes lifestyle or environmental changes. An eye care specialist may recommend:

  • Boosting your intake of omega-3s (healthy fats): Take omega-3 supplements in pill or tablet form, and eat more fatty fish (e.g., salmon or tuna). Try including more flax seeds in your diet.

  • Practicing eye-healthy habits: Blink regularly, reduce your screen time, drink eight to 10 glasses of water per day, get good sleep, try gentle warm compresses on your eyes, or massage your eyelids.

  • Reducing dryness in your environment: Use a humidifier, limit air conditioning, avoid dry or smoky settings (e.g., deserts or high altitudes), wear sunglasses outside, and reduce the use of hair dryers.

Dietary supplements are minimally regulated by the FDA and may or may not be suitable for you. The effects of supplements vary from person to person and depend on many variables, including type, dosage, frequency of use, and interactions with current medications. Please speak with a healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting any supplements. 

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A Quick Review

Dry eye occurs when the eyes don't make enough quality tears to keep them lubricated. It can typically be fixed by using artificial tears (available over the counter or by prescription) and making lifestyle changes like boosting omega-3 intake, drinking plenty of water, and blinking often. Only in rare cases does dry eye require surgery.

Taking breaks from looking at screens may also help dry eyes. If home remedies do not relieve your symptoms, talk to a healthcare provider. They can make a diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan.

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