Is This Drop Bigger Than Josh Bender's Famous Jah Drop?

Josh Bender's "Jah Drop" has long been held as one of the rowdiest drops ever ridden and has only been attempted by a handful of people. It can be argued that Brage Vestavik has been the only person to actually land it and ride out successfully.

So, when a doppelganger of that drop showed up online, it goes without saying that it turned some heads.

Take a look at the Jah Drop 2.0 below.

While this drop may be marginally smaller than "Jah" and the landing is far more forgiving, it is still nothing to be trifled with. The visual resemblance is striking, although the two features are over 500 miles away from one another.

Props to Aidan Shuh, the local Missoula rider who sent this thing. Western Montana is certainly an up-and-coming riding destination and huge side-country hits like this that evoke the same feelings as the big B.C. features are certainly helping grow the appeal of the area. Even if most riders won't be traveling there specifically to hit this.

Related: New Angle Of Brage Vestavik's 'Jah Drop' Adds Perspective

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