Drew Peterson Skis America's Steepest Trail With Ease

Crested Butte, Colorado is home to the country's steepest cut trail.

There are some discrepancies on how slope angle is measured, but most people accept that Rambo, a trail with a rocky descent even on a powder day, is the steepest in the country.

Professional skier Drew Petersen was at Crested Butte last season to check out the trail for himself. Watch how easy he makes it look:

Salomon Freeski: "Would you follow Drew Petersen in Rambo? Legend says it’s the steepest ski run in the U.S."

To be fair, Petersen's rip through Rambo makes it appears much easier than it actually is. Is also doesn't help that his GoPro makes the terrain appear less steep.

Despite the illusion, Rambo holds a consistent 55-degree pitch from top to bottom. For context, Corbet's Couloir at Jackson Hole, easily the most famous trail in the country, has just a 45-degree pitch.

Steeper trails/lines exist, but Rambo stands out because it isn't a natural trail. Rather, the developers of the resort manually cut trees and cleared debris to open the route to skiers and snowboarder.

Take a look at the video below to see what happens when a skier falls on Rambo. You can probably guess...

ten4go"Epic top to bottom snow ski fall on Rambo in Crested Butte - an EX double black diamond that is said to be the steepest man made run in North America. I had skied it successfully in the prior month, but this time a hidden rock caught me and popped my right ski. Somehow I was able to ski away, after I hiked up to retrieve one ski, and another skier carried down the other (thank you)."

One simple mistake and you're headed straight for the bottom of America's steepest trail. That's what it goes on Rambo.

Keep reading below for more information on Crested Butte.

Crested Butte Winter Stats/Information:

Vertical: 3,055 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 1,547 ac.

Average Snowfall: 300 in.

Lifts: 16

Trails: 121

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

Mega-Pass: Epic Pass

Crested Butte Trail Map. 'Rambo' indicated by arrow.
Crested Butte Trail Map. 'Rambo' indicated by arrow.

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