Drew Petersen Starts Weekly Goal To Skinny Dip In An Alpine Lake

Drew Petersen isn't your typical professional skier. His skills are up to par with the best of them, but Petersen is known more so for his candor on mental health (more on that later).

In the video below, Petersen strips down to begin his weekly goal of skinny dipping in an alpine lake at least once per week. *Warning- This video is NSFW*

Caption: "Summer modus operandi: Skinny dip in at least 1 alpine lake per week."

Okay, I'll admit that video was a bit strange, but I believe there's a deeper message that Petersen is trying to convey.

Life is hard. Like, really freakin' hard. Because of that, it's easy to get lost in the rat race of work, physical fitness, mental wellbeing, personal relationships, and any other slew of stressful aspects of modern day life.

Petersen is seeking to find relief from that pressure by skinny dipping once per week in a freezing cold alpine pond. Is that everybody's cup of tea? Certainly not, but I think we can all find our alpine skinny dip this summer.

Personally, my relief has come in the form of reading. I used to read all the time as a kid because I thoroughly enjoyed it, but life and other excuses got in the way.

Does reading a book give me the same physical and mental rush as what Petersen just did? No, but it's done enough to keep me centered and focused through a period of struggle and strife.

I hope you find your alpine skinny dip this summer.

If you want to learn more about Drew Petersen, check out the short film below. It's a raw look into how he's navigated the 'Ups and Downs' of mental health through skiing:

Last thing, I'm pretty sure the dog in the skinny dipping video is professional skier Amie Engerbretson's famous golden doodle named Bill.

He's an internet celebrity of sorts, and this is actually the second time this morning he's been featured in an article here on Powder Magazine.

Shout out to Bill.

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