Dream big, don’t burn bridges, and save for the future: Some advice for the Class of 2024

To celebrate the Class of 2024, we asked readers to share their best advice with this year’s graduates. We received a lot of great and encouraging advice. Keep scrolling to see the advice shared. (Comments have been edited for spelling.)

RELATED LINK: See photos from graduation ceremonies across Lee County.

RELATED STORY: Construction, government adding the most jobs in SWFL. Tourism not as robust in the region.

Advice for the Class of 2024

Sacrifice some of your free time now and invest In yourself. You will reap those benefits that others won’t have decades down the line.

— Adam Derringer

Stay focused and work hard.

— Al Hudak

"After internalizing this major accomplishment of your graduation, take a deep breath...

  • set your goals (they may change periodically),

  • reject negativity and do not be influenced by nay—sayers,

  • embrace the positive,

  • embody optimism,

  • know that "As a Man Thinketh, So He Is",

  • replace limiting thoughts with your new daily mantra — "I AM ... successful, living abundantly, being my best self, (whatever positive ideal you wish to make your own).

Above all else express gratitude for the big as well as the little things daily. All events are learning experiences, grow from them.

Go forth, be grateful and kind everyday! Congratulations!"

— Arlene McCarthy

Be true to yourself. Be who you want to be. Your life is what you make it.

— Liz Grovers

Trust your instincts, always. When applying for a job, dress nice and tell the company what you have to make them better. Consider www.MikeRoweworks.com if you're not college bound.

— Cindy Romeis

Make a plan to be happy and to succeed in life. Choose a career that will give you that happiness. Don't want a job you hate. Are you comfortably sure you can succeed in your life's work? Will you like it thirty years from now? Think about it. Plan it.

— Carl Veaux

Be yourself, be real, be honest, assert yourself.

— Daniel Grzywacz

Be very flexible in your career choices. You might think you are fit for a certain position but make sure you get in a field you like.

— Ed Stokes

Pursue a meaningful career where you will love what you do. It may require graduate education. Focus on potential beneficial results, positive outcomes, and good to humanity, not salary. Be charitable, gentle, inquisitive, and most of all, honest in all you do. Be passionate about your life and your goals.

— Edward Marut

Set your goals and go for them, but be ready for changes. Life is an adventure, make the most of it.

— Carolyn France

Follow your hearts when it comes to you majors. Switch your courses if you realize you are not passionate about what you are studying. If you get chances to travel while in college, do it. It's surprising how little time you'll get to enjoy life once you are in the workforce.

— Jennifer Anderson

Be true to yourself!

— James Westrick

Learn from other people's mistakes so your future won't be bound by shame, guilt, and regrets. Live in the freedom of wise choices and remember that mistakes are inevitable, but they are nothing you can't overcome. F.A.I.L. (First attempt in learning) E.N.D. (Effort never dies) and NO simply means Next Opportunity!

— Kathy Hawley

Don’t be afraid to fail. You learn more from your failures than your successes.

— Larry Benforado

In life whether it is with your family, job or community, always do more than is expected of you.

— William Millar

"Congratulations on your graduation! Always be proud of your achievements and use them to fulfill your dreams!!!"

— Mary Rauch

Whenever in doubt, take a few deep breaths. Remember you just earned your first biggest gift to yourself—a great education! Everyone who loves you is proud of you, whether the words are spoken or not. It's OK to feel lost at times for you WILL find your way back. And never burn bridges, as one day, you may need that bridge to cross over once again. Be kind— as there is no greater gift you can give to another.

— Marcia Voyles

Start saving money, even if it is $5.00 a week.

— Marybeth Crowley

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

"When you write things down, they sometimes take you places you hadn't planned."

"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business."

"Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain."

"It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project."

When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go.

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. "

"The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will."

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking."

"He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself."

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times.”

"People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.”

"In America, the president reigns for four years, and journalism governs forever and ever."

“Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day.”

"No heirloom of humankind captures the past as do art and language."

"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."

“To hold a pen is to be at war.”

“The best mirror is an old friend.”

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.“

"Perseverance, secret of all triumphs."

"It's a dangerous business going out your front door."

"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind."

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

"If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else."

"Either you run the day or the day runs you."

"This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it."

“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.”

"The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value."

"Failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it."

"There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

"The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave."

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."

“Earth has no sorrow that earth cannot heal.”

“Set all things in their own peculiar place, and know that order is the greatest grace.”

"Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting."

“If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.”

— Melvin Williams

Do or do not. There is no try. Aways be compassionate and kind to others.

— Carol Verna

Always do your best. Don't worry about other people because that'll makes you lose your focus.

— Nika Verna

Walk with the wise and become wise.

— Fred Anderson

Always remember who you are, never doubt your accomplishments. What a milestone you have completed, stand up tall look the world in the face and let them know you are here to conquer the world with open arms. Hats off to the Class of 2024. You did it and we are so proud of you!🥳

— Ranada Washington

Resist the temptation to acquire expensive material possessions. Set aside money from each paycheck and invest in index funds. Look for a firm with a low expense ratio and a good track record.

— Robert Grace

Always give your best, whether in your personal life or your business life. People and bosses will notice this.

— Ronald Marquardt

Always show up on time (or even a little early). Punctuality is one key to success, I believe.

— Rose Cushion

Be smart and think before you act. You can make any choice in life you want, just be prepared to live with the consequences.

— Steve Powley

Be kind to others and share your wisdom and listen to other wisdoms.

— Janis Hansen

It's what you work for that's your reward. The journey has just begun.

— Debbie Lasko

Slow and easy wins the race. This applies to your high school days as well as your soon to be college days. Please try to pick the classes that interest you the most and hopefully your majors will be things that fall into place. Good luck to you!

— Tom Mogren

"What do you REALLY love? After graduating High School, find a way to do it! College? Tech School? Internship? Apprentice?

Find SOMETHING you love and DO IT, STUDY IT, WORK AT IT ... but do something!

Your life will be better if you follow your dreams!"

— T A Davis

Never give up on your dreams, they are attainable.

— Victoria Collins

Be prepared to work hard because the harder you work the luckier you will get.

— Walter Bailor

Things that are easier are not always better. It’s the challenges in life that build character.

— Martine Bannon

Give love, enjoy life, work hard, and stay out of debt! Congratulations!

— Dottie Post

Set a goal, work hard each day, never forget your roots, have good manners, be kind to all.

— Yolande Welch

"Life’s a journey,

not a destination.

Death of success?


Look backwards to learn,

Look forward to earn.

Look inside for true validation.

“Always right” doesn’t add to

your posterity.

Gentle strength may encourage

your ascendency.

Give to get,

live and let

each moment bring you

closer to your destiny!"

— Annalisa Xioutas

Never fear failure, failure brings success!

— Andrea DiNella

Work hard to achieve your success and be proud of it but ALWAYS remember to give credit where credit is due and mention those involved by name!

— Beverly Powers

Try different things till you find what you love. Different resumes for different jobs.

— Brenda Carlson

Find a job in your chosen field or something close to it. Don’t be afraid to start at the bottom. May not be salary you desire, but that will happen if you do well and get promoted. What you learn at bottom will help you as you progress to the top. Best employees know and experience what those below you are experiencing.

— Bob Schaefer

An open-mind can take you a long way. Be even better than the heroes that came before us!

— Carl Falk

Follow your own instincts and trust, but verify.

— Debbie Kearns

What an important time lies ahead of you for making decisions based on values or on what feels good at the moment. New freedoms also present you with new opportunities for making smart or foolish decisions. What you choose once you are given the freedom you so rightly desire, will affect the rest of your life. The easy way is not always the best, and adulthood requires wisdom, insight and thoughtfulness. Choose wisely and you can make a unique and impactful contribution to humankind. The opposite is also true. You are on the brink of creating a lifetime of happiness or a life spent in regrets. Choose wisely!

— Kay Foote

Start some sort of savings and  investment plan right away even if it’s just a small amount. As you earn more money keep upping your contributions. When you’re 60 you’ll be happy you did.

— Gary Tiernan

Avoid debt at all costs. Do not use a credit card unless you can afford to pay the full amount when due. If you can't afford something, do without until you can. Have a financial plan. If you don't have a goal you'll never hit the target.


Don't ever burn bridges! You never know when you will encounter someone from your past that will influence your success in some way.

— Ingrid Walsh

Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.

— Jody Goldsboro

When you’re young, it’s easy to overlook your retirement; but it’s important to set up a savings account or investment plan. Make it automatic and never “borrow” from it.

— James Wolford

Recognize that nothing that you have done so far in life HAS to determine your future. You remain a work in progress so set the bar high, chase your dreams relentlessly, and refuse to settle for the easy outcome.

— Kristina Cimini

Congratulations! Take time to be proud of your accomplishment and enjoy this step forward in your journey! Education is the key to success, and no one can take away what you have accomplished. As you embark on your first position with degree or diploma in hand, remember, though this may not be your dream job (you will have many jobs and even several careers in your lifetime), every job is important for the experience, credentials, and recognition you will gain. So, give every opportunity your all and you will reap the rewards. Good luck!

— Kay Oistad

Keep focused and keep your head up!

— Gregg Kolessar

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

— Dolores Amata

Believe in yourself, stay strong, never give up, be grateful, work hard, stay humble, be kind, keep smiling, be you and reach for the stars!

— Lynda Vail

As you mature into adulthood, you will be faced with many potentially life altering decisions, some big and some small. As you contemplate which choice to make, think of this easy to remember advice — Do The Right Thing. You won’t regret your decisions.

— Marc Goldstein

Although attending college is great for some graduating students it's not idea for some. Not all students have the desire for to seek a higher scholastic level of education. A trade school is an excellent choice. Learning a number of trades such as mechanical, electrical. plumbing, air conditioning etc. are good paying and respected occupations.

— Michael Gaines

Think before acting. Consult people that know more than you. Trust your instincts. Facts are not truth, Truth is not wisdom, Wisdom comes with experience and understanding.

— Mark Wendleton

If you do at least one thing each day that makes a difference for someone it's a great day. Sometimes it is the smallest things that make a big difference for someone. A smile, " Have a great Day", holding the door open for someone, one small thing can change someone’s day.

— Pam Annis

"Believe in your gut instincts.

You will know when something doesn't feel right."

— Barbara Kwasney

"1.) When your Supervisor, Boss, or whomever you work for, asks, or tells you to do extra work, don't complain, Just complete the given task post-haste, and then ask him for more tasks to do.

My non-exaggerated case-in-point, is when my V.P. of Sales and Marketing said he was trading my small area of Western KY, and Indiana for: ALL of MO., KS., Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Fort Smith, ARK. I smiled, and then developed tons of new business for the Corporation. Which in turn, I was well rewarded.

2.) Don't fluff-off in any job you have."

— Robert M Pribyl

"Consider all your options — not just college. (There are) many different fields are out there — consider different trades.

Society needs people with skills: automotive, electrical, carpentry and many other skills that are in demand and well paying."

— Andre Rosman

During your life, especially when you are successful in your career, friends and relatives will ask to borrow money from you. If you lend them any money without writing a note that describes how they will pay you back, then it will be considered a gift to them. They will never pay you back, and you will lose them as a friend or cherished relative. This may be the best advice that you ever receive.

— Roy McLaurin

Be open to changing your mind. The unknown impacts what you believe you know. Appearances, facts, and contexts are constantly being transformed and updated. Be prepared to change course, adapt, reinvent, and recreate. Learn continually. In your heart and head, be curious and humble, with a sense of awe and wonder at the omni-present miracles of the natural world. You are a piece of something greater.

— Russell Bogen

There is freedom in recognizing and owning that we are all a bit of a mess. Give yourself and others grace. And lean into the wise and liberating words of scripture — we are flawed, Jesus’ sacrifice redeems us, and God created us for more.

— Becky Guttery

"Be honest and kind,

Take time to unwind.

Keep your faith when things get tough,

Hold family and friends close,

Because they're enough.

Enjoy every minute in every way

Because life doesn't promise us another day.

Expand your horizons, yet remember your roots.

And don't forget your veggies and fruits!"

— Tammy Brower

I didn’t start my career with the right education or skills to succeed in the traditional sense. What I did have was a work ethic encouraged by my parent’s example. There were three things that set me apart and gave me a fast track to a top position at a Global 500 corporation. Every day, no matter what, I showed up, on time, ready to work. No matter what career, what job, what effort you attempt, if you show up, on time, ready to work, you will excel at what you do.

— Teresa Hiatt

Join the Air Force: get free college and serve your country,

— Robert Jensen

You will be told no.

You will suffer adversity.

You will face disappointment.

Accept it as part of your journey.

The come up, the adversity, and the struggle are what you will talk about one day.

It makes the destination worth striving for.

— Ken Whitehurst

Sit down and ask someone with gray hair about the industry or occupation you have an interest in, AND LISTEN.

— James Meyers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Graduation advice for the Class of 2024 from our readers