Drag queen workshop for 11-year-olds should be cancelled, parents demand

‘Story time’ drag queen event in Austin, Texas, with Brigitte Bandit
A ‘story time’ drag queen event in Austin, Texas, with performer Brigitte Bandit - BRANDON BELL/GETTY IMAGES

A drag queen workshop for children as young as 11 in France has sparked a petition for its cancellation signed by more than 1,000 parents.

The class, designed to teach children how to dress, walk and perform like a drag artist, is being hosted by a children’s centre near Bordeaux.

The course is available for children between the ages of 11 and 17 in the city of Mérignac.

Titled “Drag course that breaks the codes”, the Bordeaux LGBTQ+ association workshop invites children to “discover the world of drag queens and entertainment” as well as providing them with an opportunity to discuss gender codes and stereotypes.

The workshop promised to enable participants to create their own character, including a drag name and gender, and learn how to walk the catwalk in heels, apply make-up, and perform a song.

A petition launched by a parent with the Bordeaux chapter of the Catholic Family Associations calling for the cancellation of the event has gained more than 1,500 signatures since Tuesday.

‘Confusing to developing minds’

“It is important that our children are exposed to a variety of experiences and ideas, but it is equally crucial that they are protected from potentially inappropriate influences,” the petition reads.

“Early exposure to certain aspects of drag can be confusing to young, developing minds and can have negative psychological consequences… It is essential that we consider the mental and emotional well-being of our children above all else.”

According to Le Figaro, four children have registered to participate.

Virginie Tournay, a spokesperson for Parents Vigilant, a parents association, and a member of Eric Zemmour’s far-Right party Reconquête, described the course as the “sexualisation of children”, while Jerome Riviere, a French MEP, tweeted: “A drag queen course for children is controversial. But it should be a riot of angry parents. This dangerous woke ideology must be fought without limit.”

In response to complaints, the Mérignac town hall said that community education centres such as the MJC CLAL, where the course is due to take place at the end of the month, ware free to create their own programming.

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