Dr. Pimple Popper Celebrates Spring With a Lipoma Removal Video

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Women's Health

  • Dr. Pimple Popper celebrated spring by posting a video of a lipoma removal on Instagram.

  • A lipoma is a soft, rubbery, noncancerous growth.

  • This isn't the first time the doctor has removed lipomas from this client, who dubbed himself "Lipoma Man."

Yesterday was the first day of spring (FINALLY!). I celebrated by taking my kids out for ice cream. Sandra Lee, MD (a.k.a) Dr. Pimple Popper marked the occasion in her own way–by sharing a video of a lipoma removal. Hey, different strokes!

The video shows Dr. Lee cutting a small growth from an undisclosed part of the body of "Lipoma Man." She captioned the video, “This #lipoma is popping up like a daisy! 🌼”

The gumball-sized growth is a lipoma, is a benign (noncancerous) tumor made up of fat tissue, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Lipomas are soft, rubbery lumps located just beneath the skin and are usually painless.

This isn't the first time Dr. Lee has treated the self-proclaimed "Lipoma Man." Her You Tube channel has a 26-minute video from 2017, where she removes several growths from around the man's body. Watch with caution–in the vid the man and Dr Lee jokingly compare the growths to chicken nuggets (ew).

In that video's caption, Dr. Lee gave more deets on the man's condition, which is called familial lipomatosus, where people develop multiple lipomas, especially on the arms and legs: "Other family members have these growths as well. If the lipoma is on a pressure-bearing area, it may create discomfort and this is when people seek removal. People also request removal because they don’t like the appearance of these bumps. Often a small incision can be made over the lipoma and they can be “popped” out easily. This is a simple in-office surgical procedure under local anesthesia.

Happy Spring, everyone!

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