Dr. Drew's Advice On How to Have The Marriage Conversation With Your Boyfriend

Dr. Drew's Advice On How to Have The Marriage Conversation With Your Boyfriend

Dr. Drew's Advice On How to Have The Marriage Conversation With Your Boyfriend

We all dread "the talk" — whatever the subject may be!

But an especially tough one? Explaining to your significant other that you want to get married — particularly when your S.O. might not feel so sure that he or she is ready.

That was the issue Alexis Freoni told us about when she called in.

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"I've always been a bridesmaid, never a bride. I have watched several of my friends walk down the aisle, and now I feel like it's my turn," says Alexis, who's 32, while her boyfriend's 35. "I've been with my boyfriend for a little over five years. We spend a lot of time together, do a lot of activities. We recently bought a house together. Everything is going fantastically."

But? He's not ready to pop the question.

Drew feels, "At 35, after five years of the relationship, he should sort of know that this is something he is willing to commit to.”

But Alexis says he’s not there yet. When she broaches the topic, his response is, "When it's the right time."

To which Drew asks, "When is it going to be the right time?!”

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In the case of Alexis, the doc suggests this: “Why can't a woman ask a man to marry her? And if he says no, the way [anyone] in the situation [might], say, 'Okay, I understand where you're at,’ and move on."

"The problem is you're afraid he's going to say no… You get on that guy!" says Dr. Drew. "You do it, and you do it now! The sooner the better. And if he says he wants to think about it... then you say, 'Okay, think about it. You have two weeks.' … It's time to lay it down, enough is enough."

Tough love! Do you agree with Dr. Drew?