3 Downloadable Chore Charts for Kids—And How to Use Them Effectively

3 Downloadable Chore Charts for Kids—And How to Use Them Effectively

Even children as young as 2 can help out around the house. The secret? "Parents should present chores in a way that makes little ones feel they're contributing to the family," says Robert Billingham, Ph.D., a human development specialist at Indiana University in Bloomington. By setting the dinner table, for example, kids see that they are important and needed—both of which build their self-esteem. "Chores also help children develop a sense of responsibility," says Dr. Billingham, and they teach important skills like time management.

So how do you keep your family on track with household duties? Many experts recommend a daily or weekly chore chart. These charts help children remember what responsibilities need to be done, and they give an incentive to finish tasks—especially if you have a reward system in place. Keep reading for tips on implementing a successful chore chart for kids, with three free options to print at home.

Family Meeting Discussing Chores
Family Meeting Discussing Chores

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Setting Up a Chore Chart

Consider your child's age. Chores should increase in difficulty as your child ages. A preschooler's chart, for example, might include simple tasks like "brush teeth" and "clean up toys." A tween's chart could list "fold laundry," "rake leaves," "set the table," or "vacuum living room" as potential tasks. Make sure to adjust the charts regularly, based on your child's abilities and schedule.

Give instructions. Whether your child is in preschool or high school, you should explain each task on their chore chart, making sure they can complete it independently. Also realize that mistakes are inevitable, says Dr. Billingham, and patience is key.

Decide on rewards. Many experts suggest holding off on rewards until elementary school or later; younger children are often motivated by praise alone.  When you do implement incentives, it's usually best to link payday to their overall weekly or monthly contribution, so your children won't expect bonus points every time they chip in. Rewards can be anything from screen time to money to a pizza-making party.

Print the chore chart for kids. After printing the chore chart, hang it somewhere accessible, like the fridge or bulletin board. Kids can use the chart for reference throughout the day and mark tasks as completed with check marks, stickers, or whatever method you desire.

Consider apps for older children. Downloadable chore charts work great for toddlers and school-age children, but tweens and teens might not respond to these "old-school" organization methods. Instead, parents can easily make digital chore charts with Cozi, a free app that syncs across your family's devices. Children can "check off" the tasks they complete on Cozi, and parents can track their progress virtually. Cozi has several other functions as well; for example, parents can create to-do lists and shopping lists, a shared family calendar, a database of recipes, and a family journal. The app helps your family stay organized despite everyone's busy schedule. Click here to learn more about Cozi. (Free; iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows, Android).

Printable Chore Charts for Kids

Teach kids how to handle responsibility with these three printable chore charts. Download the best option for your family, hang it somewhere accessible, and let the household duties begin!

Family Chore Chart

Fill in chores that are unique to your family in the available blank spaces. Mark them as completed with stickers, stars, or checkmarks. This chore chart helps families plan what should be done each day of the week, and it simplifies the process of tracking completion.

Weekly Chore Chart Template for Kids
Weekly Chore Chart Template for Kids

Age-by-Age Chore Chart

Need help designating tasks? This chore chart breaks down age-appropriate responsibilities, with blank spaces to fill in tasks of your choice.

Age-by-Age Chore Chart for Kids
Age-by-Age Chore Chart for Kids

Easy Chore Chart Template

This chore chart template contains instructions on how to organize a colorful system for different kids. You'll need supplies like a dry erase board, markers, sticky notes, and a ruler. This chart is easy to customize based on your family's preferences.

Colorful Chore Chart for Kids
Colorful Chore Chart for Kids