Don't Toss Your Old Gift Cards! Here Are 7 Ways to Creatively Reuse Them

hand holding gift card
What to Do With Old Gift CardsGetty Images

If you have a bunch of old gift cards lying around, you might be tempted to toss them if they’re expired or have no balance — but we have a better idea. Figuring out what to do with old gift cards takes a little creativity, but these little plastic rectangles can be easily repurposed into items you’ll use and enjoy.

Of course, if getting organized and decluttering is your goal, old gift cards can always be recycled. But if you’re feeling crafty and want to give your used-up gift cards a new life, you've come to the right place. We've asked DIY and sustainability experts to share their best tips for how to take your trash and turn it into treasure.

Are gift cards recyclable?

Gift cards can be recycled, but not in the way glass bottles, soda cans, or cardboard boxes are.

According to Cristina Solis, an environmental engineer and a sustainability consultant at Green Hive, gift cards cannot be included in regular curbside recycling because they’re generally made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic — this material cannot be processed in standard municipal recycling programs.

“To properly dispose of gift cards, individuals are advised to check with local recycling facilities to see if they have specific instructions for PVC recycling or to find a drop-off location for gift cards,” Solis says. “However, if the gift card is crafted from paper or cardboard, it can be easily recycled.”

7 Ways to Use Old Gift Cards

Turn them into scrapbook supplies

If you're an avid scrapbooker, your old gift cards can be transformed into useful supplies for your craft kit.

“They can be cut, painted, and transformed into unique elements for scrapbooking,” says Forrest McCall, co-owner of the DIY and crafting site Mama Needs a Project. You can even cut them into plastic stencils for tracing letters or shapes instead of having to buy premade designs.

Transform them into decorative labels

Need a better way to label the boxes in your storage closet? McCall recommends decorating old gift cards and securing them to whatever needs labeling. This method is best for affixing to any flat surfaces like clothing bins, shoeboxes, or food storage containers in your pantry.

Repurpose them into educational resources

When cut carefully to round out any sharp edges, gift cards can be made into educational accessories for little ones. According to McCall, you can cut them “into shapes, letters, or numbers,” and use them to play or help with homework.

Cut them into guitar picks

If you or someone you know plays guitar, Solis says that gift cards can make unique picks. “They’re a durable alternative to traditional ones,” she adds.

Make bookmarks

Here's a crafty solution for book lovers: Solis recommends cutting gift cards into bookmark shapes. You can also attach a few together to make one big bookmark.

“Decorate them with drawings or quotes and laminate them,” Solis says. The result is a unique and personalized alternative to a storebought option.

Create miniature art pieces

Anything can be a blank canvas, even an old gift card, according to Solis. “Paint or decorate the surface of old gift cards and use them as mini canvases for small art pieces,” she suggests.

DIY Christmas ornaments

With the holidays coming up, festive decor is likely on the brain. If your tree needs some more ornaments, save yourself some money and get crafty with old gift cards instead!

“Cut gift cards into festive shapes and use them as the base for holiday ornaments,” Solis suggests. “Decorate with glitter, beads, or small embellishments.”

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