You Don't Need a Peloton to Crush This Full-Body Workout By Trainer Jess Sims

Jess Sims Peloton Instructor
Jess Sims Peloton Instructor
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If you've ever taken one of her classes before, you know Peloton's Jess Sims does not mess around. The former teacher's hour-long bootcamps and strength training classes will leave your muscles quaking. If you haven't yet tried (or want more from Sims) there's good news: You don't need a Peloton, or even dumbbells, to take advantage of what the trainer has to offer. (Related: The Best Peloton Workouts, According to Reviewers)

Sims recently took to Instagram to share a full-body circuit-style workout you can easily conquer at home, no matter what your home gym setup looks like. Dressed in a pair of Reebok's Studio Lux Perform Leggings (Buy It, $70,, a matching sports bra, and Reebok's Nano XI Women's Training Shoes (Buy It, $130,, Sims demonstrated the circuit's four simple yet effective moves: a goblet clean, goblet squat, single-arm clean, and single-arm push press. In her post, the trainer suggests completing 10 reps of each exercise three times total for best results.

Not only do you not need a Peloton for this workout, but you also don't need weights. Instead of using traditional dumbbells or a kettlebell, Sims showed how to do the moves using a fully loaded backpack. "I can't help myself — once a teacher, always a teacher," she wrote alongside the video. (If you don't have a backpack handy, here's how to use other household items for a serious workout.)

Check out a breakdown of the circuit below and follow Sims' lead the next time you're in the mood for a quick and effective full-body burner.

Reebok x Jess Sims At-Home Workout

How it works: Warm up, then complete the exercises in order. Repeat the circuit three times total. If needed, rest for 30 to 60 seconds between circuits. (Related: The Best Peloton Instructor to Match Your Workout Style)

What you need: A packed backpack (Sims packs her with a few large books) and open space.

Goblet Clean

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and backpack on the ground between feet.

B. Keeping back straight and neck neutral, push hips back to lower down, and grab the backpack by the top loop with both hands.

C. Push through heels and thrust hips forward to lift torso and pull the backpack up off the ground, keeping back straight and chest open.

D. Instead of coming to stand with arms extended down (as in a deadlift), bend elbows as the backpack approaches hips. Keep pulling upward until the backpack reaches chest level, scooping elbows under and tight to ribs to hold backpack in a front rack position in front of chest.

E. Reverse the movement to release backpack and lower to ground to return to start.

Do 10 reps.

Goblet Squat

A. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed out. Hold the backpack at chest height with elbows pointing down.

B. Brace abs and hinge at hips and knees to lower into a squat. Pause when thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep chest tall and core tight the entire time.

C. Drive through heels and mid-foot to stand, keeping core engaged throughout.

Do 10 reps.

Single-Arm Clean

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and the backpack on the ground between feet.

B. Keeping back flat and neck neutral, push hips back to lower down and grab the backpack with one hand.

C. Keeping core engaged, press through heels and thrust hips forward to lift torso and pull the backpack up off the ground, driving elbow up and then tucking it in towards ribs to catch backpack in a front rack position in front of shoulder.

D. Pause before slowly reversing the movement to lower backpack to the ground and return to start.

Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Single-Arm Push Press

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold the backpack with one hand in front rack position at shoulder height.

B. Lower into a shallow squat, then explode upward while simultaneously pressing the backpack overhead, keeping hand directly over shoulder and bicep next to ear. Keep core engaged and knees softly bent.

C. Pause, then slowly lower the backpack down to shoulder to return to start.

Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.