18 People Who Messed Up Thanksgiving Sooo Badly, They'll Never Be Asked To Host Again

1.This expressive turkey:

a cooked turkey with a long bone coming up from between the legs

2.This pickle pumpkin pie that I'd probably try once, TBH:

pickles on a pumpkin pie

3.This mac 'n' cheese turkey mess:

cheese covered turkey on top of a pan of mac n cheese

4.This horror movie monster that will certainly give me nightmares:

turkey covered with bacon, stuffed with octopus and sitting on top of large crab legs

5.This turkey that was cooked well-done:

burnt turkey

6.This turkey that looks like an actual crime scene:

turkey with pieces taken out of it sitting in a crockpot of juices

7.This turkey dessert that just looks wrong in so many ways:

turkey made of icing that can either look like poop or a penis

8.This pie with a slight char:

burnt pumpkin pie

9.This toasty turkey:

incredibly burnt turkey

10.This Instant Pot turkey:

unappetizing turkey that looks old

11.This demon from the underworld:

turkey stuffed with large octopus

12.This quirky turkey:

turkey dressed up as a snow person with garnishes to have a hat, and face

13.This peculiar dessert design:

another icing turkey that looks like a penis

14.This Flamin' Hot Cheeto turkey:

hot cheeto dust on a turkey

15.This stuffed turkey:

turkey stuffed with what looks like mac n cheese and beef

16.This perky turkey:

turkey that looks like it's got breasts

17.This turkey made from Spam:

raw spam formed into a turkey

18.And finally, whatever the heck happened here:

exploded turkey

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving that's worthy of r/thanksgiving and doesn't end up on r/funny or r/shittyfoodporn!