Donald Trump, Jr.’s Girlfriend Has a Pet Name For Herself, and People Are Not into It

Donald Trump, Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle made an appearance on The View on Thursday, and among the many revelations that were dropped during their interview was the pet name that Guilfoyle apparently gave to herself.

"I left you alone for 10 minutes, what happens when mamacita's gone?" she said.

Naturally, people had thoughts on Guilfoyle seeming to nickname herself "mamacita" — many reactions involved a heaving of some sort.

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Tensions were high throughout the interview, with co-host Meghan McCain grilling Don Jr. on his family's divisive politics, asking if it was "worth it." The president's son responded by touting his father's accomplishments, defending him as a "counter-puncher."

When panelist Joy Behar listed off President Trump's infamous comments, referring to the Access Hollywood tape, Don Jr. said, "We’ve all done things we regret."

No word yet on whether Guilfoyle regrets airing her own nickname for herself in public.