Donald Trump Eats His Burgers With Half A Bun

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Delish

Much has been said about President Trump's diet. From his affinity for fast food and ketchup to his wild consumption of Diet Cokes, the President's eating habits are certainly interesting. Now another quirky food habit has come to light: Mr. Prez sometimes eats his burgers with only one half the bun.

As reported by the Washington Post, former New York Mayor and current lawyer for Mr. Trump Rudolph Giuliani had a five-hour meeting at the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia on May 6. While there, Giuliani ate a Cobb salad, while Trump had a well-done burger (more on that here) with half a bun. Regarding the low-carb-ish choice, Giuliani said: "I do that, too, sometimes. It's a good way to do it."

If we're being real, anyone who's ever tried to eat fewer carbs has probably done it, too. The real question is, do you take off the top bun or the bottom bun?

This isn't the first time Trump's burger and bun choice has been discussed. Last year, his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said Trump's standard McDonald's order includes two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a chocolate milkshake. But back then, he wasn't eating the bread at all, Lewandowski told CNN. Maybe the half a bun was part of his cheat day?

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