Donald Trump Called Prince Charles the "Prince of Whales" on Twitter

Photo credit: JEFF J MITCHELL - Getty Images
Photo credit: JEFF J MITCHELL - Getty Images

From Town & Country

Yesterday, Donald Trump faced significant backlash after saying in an interview that he'd likely accept covert information on his political opponents, if it were offered to him by a foreign government.

"It's not an interference, they have information-I think I'd take it," Trump told ABC News's George Stephanopoulos. "If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI... When you go and talk, honestly, to congressman, they all do it, they always have, and that's the way it is. It's called oppo research."

The condemnation was, predictably, swift and harsh-especially given the infamous Trump Tower meeting Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. took with a Russian intermediary who had sent Trump Jr. an email offering information that could "incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."

In response to yesterday's criticism, the president took to Twitter, composing a thread that referenced (among other things) his recent state visit to the U.K. "I meet and talk to 'foreign governments' every day. I just with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom..."

This prompted a backlash for an entirely different reason. Because Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales-a title given to the U.K.'s heir apparent, referencing the region of Wales-and not, in fact, the prince of large sea mammals.

Trump's tweet has since been deleted and reposted without the typo, but Twitter users were quick to catch the error with screenshots. "'Prince of Whales' is a good one," MSNBC's Kyle Griffin wrote.

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