The Donald Glover Look Book

Here's a hypothetical question for you: would Donald Glover be having the white-hot 2018 he's currently enjoying if he wasn't one of the most stylish dudes on the planet? Sure, if he dressed like a schlub and still turned out a brilliant second season of Atlanta, one of the most-talked-about music videos of recent memory, and a starring-supporting role in Solo, yeah, we'd probably still be fans. But Glover's personal style of late—a high-'70s mix of warm tones, big and bold silhouettes, and extravagant, covetable shoes and jewelry, accomplished with a heavy dollop of Gucci—means that we don't just have to celebrate him for being a once-in-a-generation talent. We get to shout him out for being a once-in-a-generation dresser, too.