Don’t Make These Mistakes When Turning Your Tub Into a Shower, Experts Warn

<p>Joe Hendrickson / Getty Images</p>

Joe Hendrickson / Getty Images

If you've been thinking about converting your well-used tub into a complete shower, it may be helpful to do some proper research and get some experts' advice before you fully throw yourself into the long-term project.

There are many different factors to consider when converting a tub into a shower, for example, the size, the current bathroom layout, pipe conditions, and much more. We talked to experts to provide some helpful tips and mistakes to avoid when starting this project, so you can have a smooth experience.

Meet the Expert

  • Myles Robinson is an expert at Compare Boiler Quotes.

  • Matt Kerr is the founder and CEO of Appliances Geeked.

Not Doing Your Research

It can be tempting to hire the first shower professional you meet but do a little research first. You might get lucky with your first choice, but doing a little homework will help you find the best fit for your project.

“Look for experienced professionals who specialize in bathroom renovations and have a portfolio of successful projects,” Myles Robinson, an expert at Compare Boiler Quotes, says. “Don't hesitate to ask for references or read online reviews to ensure you choose a reputable contractor.”

Not only should you look into a contractor’s background, but you should also do some studying if you plan to make it a DIY project. There is a lot that goes into turning a tub into a bath. Consider factors like the layout, size, and style of the shower you desire.

”Ensure that your plan aligns with your existing plumbing and electrical infrastructure,” Robinson says. He also mentions that neglecting these essential steps can lead to even more future costs due to reworks or plumbing disasters.

Not Fixing Leaks and Broken Pipes

When you are making the switch from a tub to a shower, you might notice some issues with your pipes. Even if things seem like a minor issue, do not ignore the long-term effects since they can cause you a lot of stress and cash down the line.

Matt Kerr, the founder and CEO of Appliances Geeked, suggests getting any problems fixed as soon as possible to prevent any project from being affected by past issues.

"To fix these issues, it's best to call in a professional plumber, as they are less likely to cause further problems," Kerr says. The longer you put it off, the conversion may become more difficult in the future and potentially damage the shower and bathroom as a whole, he explains.

Not Expecting the True Cost

It's important to know how much to expect when you begin such an intensive project, since this conversion may put you back more than you think. The average price for turning a tub into a shower is anywhere from $1,200 to $8,000, depending on your personal choices.

When most homeowners receive a professional estimate, they are often surprised, so make sure you ask around to see what the average costs are and then adjust accordingly.

Not Considering the Lighting

Changing up the bathroom’s setup might involve a difference in your lighting needs. If you have to remove a window or need a different configuration, do not forget to include this in your project plans.

"Converting a tub into a shower in the incorrect location might obstruct natural light, which is inconvenient," Kerr says. "When planning renovations, it is critical to consider window location."

It's important to consider the available area for artificial lighting and make sure there is enough place for a suitable fixture, he recommends.

And lighting isn’t just a cosmetic feature, a lack of light can also become a health hazard as well.

“Safety is also an issue because having a lighting fixture in the way when bathing might be hazardous," Kerr states. "The bathroom remodel will be more aesthetically appealing and safe for users if lighting is carefully considered.”

If you are considering the change from a tub only to a shower, it is imperative that you create a solid plan and do your research beforehand, so you don't run into any long-term issues. Your upgrade will benefit from your foresight and seeking the expertise of a professional. 

Read Next: 35 Beautiful Shower Ideas to Inspire Your Bathroom Remodel

Read the original article on The Spruce.