You Don't Want to Miss the "Pink Moon" That Will Light Up the Sky This Week

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

From House Beautiful

An entire generation is currently obsessed with the color pink, but the story behind this week's "Pink Moon" dates back hundreds of years. Look up into the sky this week, and you'll catch a glimpse of this historic lunar event.

April's full moon is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon, reports. The trendiest nickname, however, doesn't refer to the orb's actual color.

According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, the term "Pink Moon" alludes to pink phlox, the moss-like wildflowers that bloom this time of year. Native Americans used the name, among others, to denote seasonal changes. For example, the "Fish Moon" marks when certain fish swim upstream to spawn, Bustle reports.

Photo credit: John Sylvester / Getty
Photo credit: John Sylvester / Getty

As gorgeous as a rosy-pink moon would be, this annual phenomena marks important events across religions and cultures. April's full moon also designates the beginning of Passover as well as the Hindu festival Hanuman Jayanti. Christians determine Easter Sunday based on the moon as well. It lands on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, which usually occurs around March 20.

To see the Pink Moon in all its glory, head outdoors tomorrow morning at 2:08 a.m. EDT, or 11:08 p.m. for those on the Pacific coast. At that precise moment, the moon is positioned on exact opposite side of the Earth as the sun. Don't worry if that's past your bedtime, however. Casual onlookers can still catch the event each night until April 12.

[h/t Elite Daily]

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