Dolly Parton Created a Christmas Kitchen Collection and It Has Us Feeling Festive Already

Photo credit: Williams Sonoma
Photo credit: Williams Sonoma

From Woman's Day

Most of us do not need a ton of motivation to buy new holiday decorations and other fun seasonal items, but if Dolly Parton is involved, well, that's an instant add-to-cart, no questions asked. On that note, prepare to crack open the piggy banks, kids, because Dolly Parton has teamed up with Williams Sonoma to create her own line of holiday kitchen items.

Dolly announced her partnership with Williams Sonoma late last week and unveiled all of the adorable items you'll be able to enjoy this Christmas. The designs and products are all inspired by Dolly's own Christmas traditions (and will pair perfectly with her upcoming Christmas album, Holly Dolly Christmas...). First up is Dolly's Cookie Cutter Set featuring cookie cutters designed in honor of things Dolly loves like music notes, a log cabin, and of course, a butterfly.

You can even buy a gingerbread cabin that is designed to look like Dolly's two-room Tennessee mountain home. If you're looking for something a little smaller, you can pick up guitar gingerbread cookies instead, or you can even buy Dolly's sugar cookie mix if that's more your style. Our personal favorite items, though, are the patchwork aprons (made in adult and kids sizes) and their matching potholders and oven mitts. If your baking accessories are getting a little old and worn, these might be worth investing in so you can create some new memories.

You can shop the entire collection right now on Williams Sonoma and get started on Christmas baking before it even hits December. Why not? That's what freezers are for!

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