Dog's Unique Friendship with Neighborhood Squirrel Is Totally Irresistible

Unlikely animal friends are one of life's greatest gifts, and this duo does not disappoint. Meet @brodifur's brother Oliver and his friend, Helen! These friends might be different in species and size, but not even that will stop them from saying hi to one another.

Oliver the yellow Labrador loves to sit on his chair by the window, though we wouldn't be surprised if he were waiting for Helen the squirrel to stop by. The way the two look at one another through the window is just precious!

OMG, these two are so cute! We wish we could read both of their minds to see what exactly they think of their unique friend, but the looks on their faces give away a lot.

"Past souls found each other," commented @gloriamaria5969. Aww--it could be! They certainly seem to feel comfortable with one another, and it sounds like it's the same when they meet outside, too.

When @unity808 asked, "Have they ever met up outside?" Oliver's paw-rent replied, "They have! They met in the backyard. Oliver went up to the tree she was on and it was the same. A lot of staring." LOL! We can't help but wonder if these two will ever get any closer!

We totally love what commenter @dragmommy wrote: "I love our fur babies, so much more genuine then people today! They are evolving when humans are not!" Animals certainly are more accepting than people are, and there's a lot we can learn from that!

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