Dog's Reaction to Learning He's on Santa's Nice List Couldn't Be Better

It's so on point!

No matter what time of year it is, the mere idea of Christmas morning can light up any child's eyes--even when they're furry and have four paws! Dog mom Jillian posted the perfect video to prove it when her Goldendoodle, @jackjackthedoodle, found out he made the good list this year. Even his human brother was excited for him! 

The pup's reaction, of course, was just as golden as his breed. Then again, who doesn't love knowing that they're in for a bunch of presents and treats?

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What a sweet boy! We completely understand why he's on Santa Paws' nice list, though we're not sure he was expecting it at all. 

"What a precious little boy," said @kellycraig30. "Getting a kick out of his Mom." Isn't it the cutest thing? He's a fantastic listener, and he definitely recognizes some of his favorite words. And so do the commenters!

@Jesskunstzimm wrote, "We love those [JoyHound] toys for our dogs." Who knew?! Jack Jack's mom praised their indestructibility in her response, which makes us think she's onto something. These toys do sound like great gifts for pups who love to chew and destroy.

As excited as this Doodle is for his toys, though, he seems equally as excited to be with his family. "Lol the hug your son gave him [was] sooo cute," @who.a.m gushed. We guess adorableness runs in the family! It's exactly like @greeneyedmaura said: "stinking adorable… big brother has it back too!! Both should get treats!" We're sure they were both paw-sitiviely spoiled this holiday season!

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