Dog's Infatuation with New 'Fake' Fish Tank Is Too Funny to Miss

Aww, these are her new babies!

It's always so fun to see how our pets react to new things we give them for stimulation, and some of the time it's the most bizarre things that capture their attention and affection. Sure, we all know a new stuffed toy or catnip mouse will bring our beloved fur babies a lot of joy, but TikTok account holder @Millietok__recently discovered a brand new toy for her rescue Labrador and the way she reacts to it is just too adorable.

Just watch this sweet girl watch her new favorite 'tv show' starring her new 'babies.' It's all just too cute to resist!

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So many other TikTok users have dogs that are obsessed with fish, and @Surckfitz comments, "My dog does a split on the couch and watches my fishtank for hours lol." @Gena adds, "My yellow lab, Marley is also obsessed with aquariums and fish!  I’m glad I’m not the only one dealing with this!" @Lau types, "Mine loooooves our beta fish she can stare at it for hours!"

So if you've been considering buying your dog (Or cat!) a fish tank, either real or pretend, this may be your sign right here!

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