Dog's Guilty Reaction to Getting Caught Stealing Food Is Priceless

Give this poor girl all the pretzels!

Every pup has their naughty moments, but their reactions to being caught are always unique. Whether they act heartbreakingly sad or avoid eye contact altogether, it can be hard to stay mad when they're that cute! One TikToker and dog mom learned this for herself when her Labrador and Golden Retriever mix, Harper, decided to get herself a pretzel snack.

As @mygirlharper was admonished for her actions, she couldn't keep the emotions from her face. If you ask us--she doesn't regret a thing!

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LOL! Harper wants nothing to do with this lecture from her mom, but that facial expression is too good to ignore. Commenter @jas.4ever loved, "the smirk" that seemed to say "'I don’t know what you're talking about.'” Ironically, that just confirmed her guilt!

Luckily for Harper, she has many devoted fans who are willing to defend her in canine court. @Maxlbumbum argued, "Unless u have direct evidence… or probable cause and a strong motive… I recommend u release Harper immediately!" We second that motion!

In the meantime, you can speak to her lawyer, @leah_marie1987. She said, "I represent Harper and she will not be answering any questions." Sounds fair to us! 

"She was just tasting to be sure it was safe for you," joked @chello6160. Exactly! If anything, she should be given a gift for her sacrifice. Maybe it should be something other than a pretzel, though.

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