Can dogs have tomatoes? The answer is complicated. Here's how to keep your pet safe.

Can dogs have tomatoes? The answer is complicated. Here's how to keep your pet safe.

Tomatoes are a popular summer fruit and have several health benefits. According to, tomatoes have been linked to reduced risk for heart disease and cancer and are a good source of vitamin C and vitamin K. In 2020, here were 186.82 million metric tons of tomatoes produced worldwide, according to Statista.

Clearly, the tomato offers benefits for humans. But, can other species, such as our furry friend the dog, benefit from the tomato? Are tomatoes safe for dogs to consume?

Here’s what you need to know to safely give your dog a fresh snack.

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

The answer is complicated.

According to the American Kennel Club, tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat in small amounts, but only if they're ripe. Despite being a fruit, the tomato plant is part of the nightshade family of vegetables, says the AKC. Nightshades contain a toxin called olanine, says According to, unsafe quantities of Solanine are found in unripe, green tomatoes, tomato stems and tomato leaves. So, avoid feeding your dogs unripe tomatoes, as well as the stems and leaves.

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Can dogs have tomato sauce or soup?

It is advised to not feed your dogs tomato products, such as tomato soup or sauce. explains most pre-made tomato products contain added salts, sugars and other artificial flavoring and chemicals that may be harmful for dogs.

Are tomatoes good for dogs?

Tomatoes can offer a multitude of benefits for our furry friends.

Besides being a tasty treat, tomatoes are a low calorie and high fiber snack,which can help dogs with digestion, according to also mentions how tomatoes are a great source of potassium and folate and aid in maintaining healthy muscles.

But remember, the AKC warns: "Your dog should never ingest the leaves and stems of tomato plants and should avoid young, green tomatoes."

What fruits can dogs eat?

We're breaking down the most common human foods your pet may get into. From avocados to pumpkin seeds to strawberries, check out the full list of toxic and safe foods.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Can dogs eat tomatoes? Health benefits and warnings to heed.