Dog's Annoyed Reaction Being Left Outside After Owner Fell Asleep Is Hysterical

One of the many reasons we love dogs is that they aren't afraid to hold back how they're feeling. Their tails wag uncontrollably when they're happy or they'll give you the cold shoulder if you leave them with someone else while you're on vacation. So we're not too surprised by this recent video.

TikTok user @rumorscanlon woke up in the middle of the night to let her Golden Retriever outside. The problem with letting her dog out at 2 a.m. is that she accidentally fell back asleep. And well, let's just say her dog was not happy about it. LOL!

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O.M.G. This Golden Retriever's reaction is absolutely hysterical. He was SO mad he was left outside in the backyard, which he has every right to be. We'd be upset too, but we also know mistakes happen. There's only one way to make it up to this poor dog.

"You gotta get treats and everything. You gotta make it up," suggested @gregericksonjr. Treats are a start but there needs to be way more to make it up to him. LOL! @meagain336 added, "Treats?!? Try one year Chewie subscription." Yes, now we're talking!

Now, leaving your dog unattended for a few hours isn't that uncommon. Sometimes we have to go into the office or run errands and they have to stay home. But this video is a new one. LOL! Luckily, if you do have to leave your dog at home, there are plenty of options to make dogs feel less lonely while you're gone. Hiding treats around the house, filling a kong toy with frozen peanut butter, subscribing to dog TV, or using a webcam and treat dispenser are just a few ideas to keep them occupied while you're gone. And then when you return, of course, smother them with love and kisses.

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