Doggy Day Care Features Some of the Unique Dog Breeds They Get to Care For

Doggy day cares get to care for lots of dogs each day, but some dog breeds aren't as prominent as others. Paddington Pups in Queensland, Australia shared a video on Thursday, February 29th of five of the most unique dog breeds that come to day care each day, and some of them are pretty unique!

All of the dogs are just adorable, and out of the five dog breeds that they shared, I've only ever heard to two of them, the Neopolitan Mastiff and the Papillon. Which of these dog breeds do you find most unique?

Did you have a favorite of the five? I had never heard of the Field Retriever, the Basenji, or the Bedlington Terrier. But my favorite by far was Napolean, the Neopolitan Mastiff - I want him for myself! Paddington Pups commenters definitely had favorites of their own. @Kelly McCleary said, "Basenji’s are the coolest dogs!! They can’t bark and they’re so chill!" Another commenter shared, "Papillons are just the most adorable little beings!"

Related: Doggie Day Care Shows Off Their Pups Who Are Best Friends and It's Everything

Do Basenjis Make Good Pets?

Although I'd never heard of the Field Retriever or the Bedlington Terrier, I'd guess they may have similar personality traits and dispositions to other retrievers and terriers. Since I've never seen or heard of the Basenji before, I decided to learn some more about them.

I was curious about what Kelly said about these dogs not being able to bark, and she was right! According to the American Kennel Club, Basenjis have "larynx shaped differently than those in most other dogs, so they cannot produce a bark." They can growl and make a yodeling type sound, but they are not very vocal dogs.

For thousands of years, Basenjis have been used as hunting dogs in Africa. In fact, these dogs may be the oldest dog breed around. AKC said, "Cave paintings found in Libya and dated to 6,000 B.C. depict hunters with dogs that have curled tails — one of the Basenji’s distinctive features."

Here's another cool fact from the AKC: Basenji’s African breed name, “M’bwa m’kube M’bwawamwitu,” translates to “the jumping-up-and-down dog,” and these dogs are known for how high they can jump so the name seems very fitting; their average jumping height is 6 feet!

Like cats, Basenjis groom themselves and so they don't have that dog smell all dogs have. Their short, flat coat requires little grooming and is pretty low maintenance, although they do shed year-round.

These dogs are extremely intelligent and very active...they require lots of exercise and prefer to stay busy. If they get bored, they'll get destructive so they shouldn't be left alone unsupervised.

All dog breeds have things that are good about them and bad about them. Make sure to always do your research before deciding on a new pet and even speak to owners of the dog's breed you are considering. Otherwise you and your new pup may not be too happy with each other!

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