Dog Trainer Offers Sound Advice for Pups Who Have ‘Big Barky’ Feelings

Do you have a dog that barks a lot? Some dogs are just naturally more vocal than others, and it's important as a pet owner that you let them bark occasionally because not letting them bark at all is very stressful to a pet; imagine if someone told you to be quiet and wouldn't let you talk all day long!

Bronagh Daly, is a certified dog trainer and owner of Five by Five Canine out of Connecticut. She offers up fantastic advice for your pooches, and in this video she shared on Wednesday, February 14th she offered a tip for those dogs who love to bark. Her tip is so simple that anybody can do it!

If you have a very vocal dog (first dog that came to my mind was a Corgi - they love to bark!) it's important to give them a barking outlet. I love that @Bronagh takes Oz out and throws snow at him to bark at - she said it's his favorite! Commenter @Banal_Banana felt some guilt over learning this tip, "What a fabulous idea!!! I feel bad I never thought of it as my dog not getting a need met." Bronagh's reply was great, "Don’t feel bad! Generally, the emphasis is on meeting needs, so they don’t feel the need to bark which is great! I just find having a vocal outlet can be so powerful too!"

Related: Dog Dad Supports His Dachshund by ‘Looking for Things to Bark At'

Why Dogs Bark

Like Bronagh said, some dogs are just very vocal and love to talk (we all know people like that too!) and they need to be given time to bark throughout the day. A barking outlet can be anything that your dog enjoys. We had West Highland Terriers and one of them was a barker. She loved chasing the kids around the yard and barking at them. I now understand letting her do that was her outlet because she wasn't allowed to bark in the house.

Dogs bark for a number of reasons, and if you have a dog you know that different barks have different meanings. But some dogs bark just to bark, and there are reasons for it. Sometimes they bark because they are scared or to alert you about danger. Sometimes they are just trying to get your attention. And sometimes, they're just bored and have nothing else to do!

I love the idea of giving dogs a barking outlet. It means that they're needs are being met and that when you tell them not to bark (or teach them when to bark) they know that it isn't forever. This is probably one of my favorite tips I've found online, and I can't wait to share it with others!

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