Dog Owner's Step-By-Step Guide To Introducing Dogs Properly Is a Game-Changer

If you've been thinking to yourself that it seems like everyone has a dog, you're not wrong. Between 2016 and 2022, the percentage of U.S. households that owned dogs increased by 6.1 percent to about 44.5 percent. While we couldn't love that anymore, it can be stressful for dog owners who own fur babies that get scared when seeing other dogs.

Luckily, TikTok user @myboyrudder shared a step-by-step guide to introducing dogs properly. This will, hopefully, lessen a dog's nerves. But be prepared because training times vary.

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Wow! This is honestly such a game-changer for anyone wanting to introduce their dog to a friend's or family's dog. And with an increasing number of households getting dogs, it's something every dog owner should know.

One of the reasons behind dogs getting scared around other dogs could be due to the lack of socialization. It's very important to socialize dogs as early as possible. This means exposing them to different people, animals, environments, and situations in a positive and controlled way, which will lead them to less likely developing behavioral issues. But not everyone gets their fur baby as a puppy so with patience and training, you can still teach socialization to older dogs.

As the TikToker explained in this video, there is no need to rush the training process. You should train using positive reinforcements through praises, treats, or toys as the reward makes them more likely to repeat the behavior. You can see this TikToker using treats during her introduction training to reinforce the idea not to react when meeting a new dog. And going at her dog's pace, he caught on. We can't wait to try this with our dogs!

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