Dog Nearing End of Life Makes Emotional Last Visit to Dog Park

One of the most devastating aspects of falling in love with a dog is knowing that one day that dog will have to leave you. Our dogs grow old, they get sick, they die. It's just a heartbreaking fact and an inevitable that breaks every dog owner's heart.

TikTok user @Tisshtassh decided to honor her beautiful pup Hugo before he crosses the rainbow bridge in just the sweetest way. Watch the following touching video to see what these kind dog owners did.

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The video description reads, "Hugo’s legacy. My greatest birthday gift was getting to honor Hugo and help continue his legacy of love, joy, and kindness." Awwww, it's just all so touching. What a wonderful way to celebrate Hugo's life and to give back to the community and the community of pups he befriended at the dog park. Losing a pet is always so heartbreaking but these kind owners have taken their sorrow and turned it into something so beautiful. They have really done their precious pup proud.

TikTok users agree and @Kim says, "I’m from NYC. I will think of you and Hugo when my Theo plays with his yellow ball." @Shiba comments, "He looks like he had a full life and brought your family so much joy!!" @Stace adds, "This is so beautiful! I will buy my dog a new tennis ball in honor of Hugo! I wish dogs could live forever! Thinking of you." @Tiff sweetly replies, "Sweet little soul. I'll be sending you all peaceful thoughts and tons of light." @Corina says what we are all thinking with, "That was a beautiful thing to do."

Rest easy, sweet boy. Thank you to your kind parents for what they did. Our hearts are with you all.

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