Dog Who Made It to His 23rd New Year's Celebration Is Such an Inspiration

This sweet boy is still going strong.

This New Year's celebration was special for so many reasons, but one senior dog owner was even more grateful for this milestone. @Thejoebrown's adorable senior beagle made it to see his 23rd New Year, and all of TikTok came together to celebrate. All it took was one sweet video of the old boy!

The dog, whose name is Buster Brown, clearly loves his owner just as much as his owner loves him. No wonder this elderly pup is doing so well!

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You go, Buster Brown! You better believe that you have a bunch of new fans here at PetHelpful. No one will ever measure up to Buster's human, Joe, but we still hope he can feel the love from all of his Internet friends.

"This is not just a good boy he's the best boy," said commenter @yourfriendycommenter. You're so right! From his adorable, tiny tail wags to his devotion to Joe, there's nothing not to love about this pup. Even though he's walking a bit slower these days, he still has a pep in his step, don't you think?

"23 years must feel amazing," wrote @manuelfernandez501. "I only had my best friend for 2." We can't imagine that pain! It's such a tragedy when someone's time on Earth is cut short, but even pet parents who still have their fur babies will relate to that pain. As painful as it might be, who hasn't thought about the inevitable? 

Until then, though, it's important to take in every moment with our pets--just like Joe and Buster are doing. From New Year's Eve to any old day, there are so many fun things you can do together.

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