Dog Groomer Has the Most Brilliant Way of Showing Off Her Customers

The average cost of getting your fur baby groomed can run you about $30 to $90, and even more if your dog is matted or has an extremely long coat. It's an expensive part of dog care, unless you go the DIY route and can trim your dog's nails and umm.. express their anal glands yourself.

Nope, not us, we leave our dog grooming to the professionals and we would absolutely love to take our pups in to visit TikTok account @Nylaandrade 's groomer located in San Francisco.

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How cute is this idea? The dog has a safe place to wait for mom and dad, they can watch all the people walk by, plus it's so great to attract new customers. We love it! TikTok users agree and @Charlene comments, "My dog would love this because of people watching!" @Aly adds, "I would visit this groomer just bc my dog is a star and deserves to be admired by the masse." LOL! @Paula adds, "My dog would love that window but he would be too loud so I’m sure it wouldn’t last long."

Some users hate this idea and @Jenna says, "This is harmful and could be stressful!" She also adds, "Ok picture this your dog is there and some one walks up and starts doing sh+t to the window and traumatizing your dog."

Someone who works there explains that the groomer gets permission from the dog owners and any nervous dogs hang out in back with other workers.

If you are interested in taking your own dog to this groomer, you can visit their website here.

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