Dog Goes Viral for Death Stare

Dog Goes Viral for Death Stare
Dog Goes Viral for Death Stare
miniature poodle dog goes viral for death stare
miniature poodle dog goes viral for death stare

(Photo credit: ozgurcankaya / Getty Images)

Every dog has its own unique way of getting their owner to do their bidding. Maybe it’s doe eyes. Perhaps it’s a paw tenderly placed on the knee. It could be a little nudge with the snout. Others are less delicate, and even a little threatening, when it comes to getting what they want. But one Toy Poodle, known on TikTok as @poodletoyromeo, has gone viral for their “death stare.”

Dog goes viral for death stare

In the funny clip, a brown Toy Poodle sits facing their owner, who is off-camera, recording. The canine seemingly bores holes into their owner’s face. The camera zooms in closer. The caption reads: “This is how my dog behaves when he wants to poo super badly in the morning. He wakes up, jumps out of bed and does a death stare at me until I get up.”

Dog owners chime in

Though this wake-up call is unnerving, it’s not unusual. The comments section was filled with fellow owners who also get the “death stare” from their dogs.

“Omg is this a poodle thing? My mini does this too but he will get closer to my face,” @Yasyas800 wrote.

“My schnauzer sticks his face in the door seam and stands like a statue till I let him out,” @Lynn3 offered.

“Same with my Cavapoo,” @Btied offered. “I taught her from a pup to ring the bell but I guess she’d rather eyeball me.”

How do I know my dog needs to go out?

Not every dog uses the death stare to communicate. According to the Humane Society, some signs your dog needs to go out include:

  • Barking

  • Scratching at the door

  • Squatting

  • Restlessness

  • Sniffing around

  • Circling

“When you see these signs, immediately grab the leash and take them outside to their bathroom spot,” the Humane Society advises. “If they eliminate, praise them and reward with a treat.”

Just like you, dogs shouldn’t have to wait to go to the bathroom! (Even if their death stare is hilarious.) For more on potty training, check out our step-by-step guides on housetraining for puppies and adult dogs!

The post Dog Goes Viral for Death Stare appeared first on DogTime.