Give Your Dog the Finer Things With Dogue, Five-Star Dining for Fido

Your dog is probably relegated to the same dinners day after day — though your bestie deserves the gourmet treatment, fancy restaurants don't typically serve furry plus-ones. That is, until now. Enter Dogue in San Francisco, an eatery that caters to your four-legged friend's finer senses. You may be thinking — my dog chewed up a dirty sock yesterday. Is her palate really that refined? The answer, however, doesn't matter. Dogue creates visually stunning, raw dishes that are designed to be delicious and nutritious for dogs. Keep reading to learn more about the gourmet dog food from Dogue and how to bring home fine dining for your own fur baby, without flying all the way to San Fran. Just don’t blame us if your pup starts wanting all her meals on a silver platter.

What is Dogue?

Dogue was started by professional chef, Rahmi Massarweh, and his wife, Alejandra. The couple noticed that their dog — an Old English Mastiff named Grizzly — was turning his nose up at his kibble, even the finest kibbles recommended by pet professionals. That’s when they realized: Hey, I wouldn’t like eating the same processed food every single meal, either.

Using his background in classical French cuisine, Massarweh decided to cook for Grizzly like he would cook for himself, using fresh, whole, seasonal food. This mission expanded into a dog-centric gourmet cafe called “Dogue,” which, according to Massarweh, is French for “Mastiff” — both an homage to his French cooking background and to their beloved Grizzly.

Dogue has a “pawtisserie” that serves dog-safe baked goods; the “Bone Appétit Cafe,” where your dog can experience the chef’s tasting menu; and they even offer bespoke, raw-diet feeding plans. “Dogue is our mission to change the lives of as many dogs as we can. Feeding fresh, seasonal, quality food, one meal at a time,” says the couple.

What are the benefits of a raw diet for dogs?

Dogue claims that a raw diet of fresh, real food can make a big difference in your dog’s life and overall well-being. A raw diet for dogs is often called the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food Diet, and can unfortunately be referred to by its acronym, the BARF diet (doesn't sound appealing!). It typically consists of whole foods — like raw eggs, organ meats, and some kinds of produce and dairy — either dehydrated, homemade, freeze-dried, or store-bought. Many proponents of this feeding style believe that a raw diet gives dogs better dental health, more energy, healthier skin, and shinier coats, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC).

The AKC advises against unregulated raw diet feeding, due to the risk of pathogens and illness, so talk to your veterinarian about whether or not a raw food diet would benefit your dog. If it would benefit your dog, your vet can advise you on how to access the best raw foods for her needs. Do not start your dog on a completely different diet immediately without easing into it, either; this could cause stomach upset. Dogue includes a guide on transitioning your dog from processed to fresh food, plus they list side effects that might occur in the detoxification process. Again, just be sure you check with your veterinarian before making any changes.

What kind of food does Dogue serve?

Dogue serves art. They make “getting a doggy bag” the main event. On their Instagram (which you can follow @dogue.sf), they document the dishes they prepare, as well as the health benefits of its specific ingredients. Take, for example, their Organic Beef Chuck steak with fermented carrot and beet root — pictured below — which provides dogs with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Or, check out the egg-topped spirulina meringue cloud with calendula, rosemary, and krill oil, also pictured below, which contains amino acids and other compounds that will benefit your dog’s immune and digestive systems.

Finally, show a friend the below video of the chef making flan with wild antelope heart, organic beet root, cranberry gel, honey gel, beet broth, duck, chicken, and a honeycomb lace tuille crisp. Enjoy their shock when you tell them their mouth is watering over dog food.

Visit Dogue in San Francisco to to buy their goodies in person, or browse their online store for ingredients and more. Your dog deserves the finest — even if their idea of high-class dining is licking up the food you accidentally dropped on the floor.