Dog Day Care Highlights Pups With the Cutest Animal-Themed Names

People get very creative when it comes to naming their dogs, and at Canine College in Michigan day care workers hear all kinds of names! They've shared videos before showcasing dogs named after places, characters, drinks, food, humans, and many other things.

They shared this video on Friday, March 8th of several dogs with names that are inspired by other animals...and some of them are pretty cute. From Birdie to Wolfie, there are names of all different species that these dogs' humans came up with. I know I have a on and decide if you have one, too!

I love Bari-Cuda! It's pretty original and can be shortened to just Bari, which can also go into the 'dogs named after food' category! Canine College got more than 800 comments about their video, and there were some good ones. @Chrys laughed, "That huge dog named “Kitty” and the tiny one named after a wolf!" and I laughed when @Liz shared, "When I was a kid I knew a cat named Dog. A dog named Cat. And a horse named Dave." @Rose added, "Noone is talking about OTTER!!! My man."

Related: Dog Day Care Shows Off Their Pups Who Have Human Names in Precious Video

How To Choose a Name for Your Dog

Here on Pet Helpful, you can find article after article about all kinds of name ideas for your pets. We recently adopted a rescued puppy, and when we brought her home the rescue that had her had been calling her Savannah. It's a fitting name since we live in Georgia, but my three kids wanted to name her something else. The problem is though that there are five of us in the house, and we cannot all agree on any one name!

So where do you start on choosing a name? For many people, it's based on their dog's appearance. Our new puppy has a big brown spot on one eye, and so I suggested Spot, which was immediately shot down as an option. Like the Canine College pet parents, you can name your pup after a celebrity (Jennifer Garner had a dog named Martha Stewart), favorite place, book, movie or TV character, etc.

Does your dog have a personality characteristic that stands out? Maybe it's always happy or grouchy? You can choose a name to reflect its personality.

There are also some don'ts when it comes to naming your dog, too. Don't name your dog something that might be confusing to them, like after a command you might use or a word you say often in your house. If you already have other pets, don't name your dog with a name close to the others' names. Whichever name you choose, make sure to give it the 'nickname test'; how does the name sound if it's shortened? Can it be shortened? If it doesn't pass the nickname test, you might want to pass on the name.

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